Chapter 1:The Beginning of It All

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Patrick stomped in the front door. "I had a terrible day," he said throwing his stuff on the couch. I acknowledged his entrance by walking over to him. I gave him a hug, but it wasn't long before he just pushed me away. "Pat, you're drunk," I smelled the alcohol from his breath. "Don't call me Pat! You know better than to call me Pat!" he came raging towards me and I backed into the kitchen counter. I teared up a bit and stared at the red in his eyes. I looked away slowly because he'll only get angrier. Patrick's like a bull when he's angry, except he's the color red and every other color ticks him off. "Where's dad?" he murmured, softly. "On the road, like he's been for the past week," I said as I walked to the fridge, pointing out a note from Dad. I'll be gone for a while. Don't panic. -Dad. Patrick tore the note from the fridge and slammed it down on the counter with such force it alarmed me. "Stop," I said softly. Patrick walked around the counter and put his hands on my wrists. He pushed down with his thumb and I yelped out in pain, crying a bit more. "Don't tell me to stop. I'm a grown man!" he shouted. "Yeah, a grown man with an alcohol dependency!" I snapped back through the tears. Patrick had put so much pressure on my wrist that one of my cuts had busted. A trickle of blood slid down my wrist the same time a tear did on my cheek. Patrick looked at my wrist and noticed the blood. It seemed like at that instant, he got his act together. "I thought you weren't going to cut anymore, Cap," his grip loosened on my wrists and I cried even more. I ran for my room, dropping my cell phone on the way there. I didn't want to go back and get it. The only messages were from 3 people: Dad, a boy who has been harassing me, and Pilot. That night, I was told I was loved by Pilot. I was told I was going to die, that I was going to have every vein in my body cut slowly. That I was going to be stuck home alone with Patrick for another two weeks. I opened my door and slammed it, locking it twice over. "Captain! Open this door right now!" Patrick yelled. "Go away," I said calmly. Patrick knew what that meant. It meant I had Dad's pocket knife hand in one hand and the lights off. Patrick's feet backed away and I saw the light from the hallway. It went out ten minutes later and I waited before I wailed my tears into my pillow. X-Forty Three, my German shepherd, licked my hand as it clutched my pillow. I looked at him and saw the moonlight from my window sparkle in his eyes. I've seen that look ever since I cried in the corner when I was eight and he was a puppy. This was the look of concern. X took my sleeve and yanked me up, guiding me and nudging me up. He led me to the bathroom and nudged me towards the sink. I pet him softly under his chin and he went to lie down on my bed. I closed my door and I took a shower, but not a long one. I didn't want Patrick to realize I was awake. I got out and put on a big t-shirt that used to belong to Patrick. It had his face on it and it said, "Patrick for President! He Won't Let You Down!" I looked down at the picture of his face on the t-shirt. His eyes wide and a smile spread across his face. My hair was still wet from my shower, so water ran down his face, soaking the shirt. I sat down on the pallet that lied on my floor that I considered my bed. I grabbed the gauze from the side of my bed and wrapped each of the two pieces around my left wrist. I looked at X and X looked back. "Who's my good boy?" I said, scratching behind X's ears. I lied back and shifted to put my head on my pillow. X moved to put his snout on my feet. I heard the sound of a phone buzzing as soon as I closed my eyes. It was mine. Patrick must have slid it underneath my door when I was in the shower. I reached over by the door and grabbed it. I had five missed messages from Pilot. I dialed his number. His was the only I knew by heart, well, the only one who wasn't family. Pilot answered and that smooth voice of his just made me twinge. "You okay, Captain?" Pilot asked. "Roger that, Pilot." I murmured. "I'll be by in the morning early before the school. Like seven or eight hours early." Pilot laughed. I looked at the clock and laughed back, "That would be now." A soft knock came from the window, and I saw Pilot sitting in the tree. I walked over to it and slowly opened it. Pilot crawled through the window and didn't say anything. I looked up at him and said softly, "Hey." Pilot smiled softly and looked at my eyes. I smiled back and then our smiles disappeared. Pilot's hand went to my cheek. He slowly slid his thumb across my cheek and put his other hand at my waist. Pilot did realize that the only thing I had on was Patrick's t-shirt, but all he did kiss my cheek and wrap his arms around me tightly. I folded my arms into him and nestled into his chest. "It'll be okay, Captain." Pilot said softly. I nodded back, trying to not tear up. Pilot let go of me and lied down on the pallet next to X. I lied back and Pilot turned towards me. I looked at him and he kissed my forehead. Pilot has those kisses that make my heart skip a beat, no matter how soft they are. Pilot realized my excitement and looked at my neck. I smiled softly and he did so back, pulling the covers over us. Pilot pulled me closer to him so that we were against each other. We fell asleep this way, nestled together, but nothing ever happened. My body against his and his against mine and all we did was simply sleep.

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