Chapter 3: The Kind of Love Sent From Above is The Killing Kind

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Patrick had left around 5:05 for work. Need to talk when I get home. I'm sorry, Captain. I rolled my eyes at the note and tossed it on the counter. X barked and that meant it was time to hit the road. "C'mon Pilot!" I yelled from the kitchen. Pilot came out of my room and closed my door, handing me my phone. From there, we road our bikes to school, tying them up to the bike racks. Pilot and I walked in through the front of the school and entered the band hall, since that's where most of our friends hang out anyways. "Captain! Pilot! Over here!" my friend, Lindsey Blinks shouted. This girl is as Goth as they come. Black hair, black makeup, black clothes, multiple piercings, etc. She's my best friend, in the way of girls anyways. Lindsey may have the whole Goth look, but she's as innocent as a saint. Except for the swearing, Lindsey's never smoked, drank, done drugs, or lost her virginity. She's a cutter as well. We both hide our cuts underneath long sleeve shirts, or the occasional gauze. For me today, it's both. "What do you know? They show!" Lindsey yelled. "Shut up, Ms. Dramatic, it's only seven fifteen," I said giving her a hug. Lindsey grabbed my hand and led me to a corner, "You know what tomorrow is right?" I looked at her like she was crazy, "Pilot's birthday. Am I missing something?" Lindsey nodded furiously, "It's SPF!" I had heard about SPF (Surprise Performance Friday.) I wasn't ready for it, I was scared out of my mind just thinking about it. Anyone could get chosen for this and since it was Pilot's birthday, this adds a tie to me. Mr. Sparks knows Pilot and I are close so there's a chance I may have to make this surprise performance. At least I get to choose the song, but I only have five minutes. Here are the rules to SPF: One person gets chosen to sing by Mr. Sparks, they have five minutes to choose one person to perform with and one song to sing. I felt paranoid that Mr. Sparks would choose me, but still Lindsey has had her moments of being wrong. Pilot had walked over to his friends and performed his regular routine: the handshake to Tino, the bro hug to Leo, and the other handshake to Luke. Then along came Whitney. Of course, she's the popular girl within Show Choir. She's the show girl, the show off; the blonde who always gets her way. Whitney gives me all the right reasons to hate her: She's stuck up, she thinks she's the star, she humiliates me, and she carried Pilot's child. That's right. Pilot and Whitney were once a couple. Whitney was head over heels for Pilot (only because I had a major crush on him), and he asked her out. They went out for a couple months then BAM! Whitney was pregnant. He calls it "The incident," because it wasn't meant to happen. But since then, he's been cautious as to whoever he's been around, just for attraction reasons. I couldn't look at him during the time Whitney was pregnant. I looked at her and I couldn't believe he had become the father of her young. Whitney of all people. "So Pilot, I hear tomorrow's your birthday. Why don't you come over tomorrow and we can celebrate together. You know, alone." Whitney ran her hand up Pilot's arm and I waited for him to move, to brush her hand off, for some kind of response to this for PDA. But no movement was seen. I looked at him and Leo stepped away, along with Tino. Pilot looked at them wondering what was going on until he saw the look on my face. That's when he moved. I turned away and began to walk towards the hallway, towards the auditorium. Lindsey followed me, and I didn't know it at the time, but so did Leo and Tino. Pilot didn't make an effort to follow me. This, I wasn't sure if I was grateful for, or just saddened. Lindsey came up on my right hand side, "He'll get what's coming to him." I didn't say anything. Leo ran ahead and it shocked me, because I didn't know he was there. He ran ahead and opened the door to the auditorium. "Thanks Leo," I murmured once I entered. "Ah, you're early! Wonderful! I love to see students that are eager to get to class!" Mr. Sparks boomed from the technician room. We all waved. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and yelled, "Can we sit on the top Mr. Sparks?" Then Lindsey yelled, "Please?" And Tino and Leo echoed, "Pretty please? With cherries on top?" Mr. Sparks thought about it for a second. "Well, I don't like cherries, but go ahead. Only you four." I shouted "Yes!" loudly and I was happy. "Piggy back ride!" Lindsey yelled, getting on Tino's back. I laughed a bit, and then heard Leo say to me, "Who doesn't like cherries?" I laughed a bit more so at this, thinking about it. Pilot. Pilot doesn't like cherries. "That boy is going to be the death of you, Captain," I looked at Leo. "What do you mean?" I asked, walking up the stairs with him. "That kind of love, the conflicted kind. It's the killing kind. It'll get to you, break your heart, and eat away. I don't want that to happen to you buddy," Leo nudged me with his elbow. I smiled slightly, "Yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess we'll see, eh?" I laughed. "What're you? A pirate?" Leo said, laughing. "That's Canadian, dumbo," nudging him back. Lindsey ran to where I was at the top of the stairs and grabbed my wrist. "Ow! Easy! That's my left hand!" I yelped. "Sorry," she murmured, "But look at the next play!" I looked at the board on the stage. The Wizard of Oz. "Did you know a munchkin hung himself in the original movie? You can even see it!" I looked at Lindsey and laughed a bit, "That's just plain wrong." Lindsey nodded, "I have the oddest facts don't I?" I nodded back, looking at my classmates below us flood in. I watched every single one of them and named them. Garth, Clara, Daniel, Maxwell, David, Luke, Whitney *gag*, and then George. But no sign of Pilot. Five minutes later the bell rang. Five minutes after the bell rang, Pilot walked in, apologizing to Mr. Sparks. I leaned over the rail and watched him. I heard him say my name and then Mr. Sparks pointed up at us. I looked over at Leo and Tino who had a straight face. Lindsey's face said disgust. Mine was just straight as well. Pilot looked up and mouthed, "I'm sorry." I shook my head and mouthed back, "It's fine." Then I leaned back in my seat and sunk down. "Now students! Tryouts, tryouts, TRYOUTS! Beginning tomorrow. HERE! Right after SPF!" I didn't know I was capable of crying anymore today, but I guess I was. I stared at the ceiling and let a tear escape. Lindsey handed me her kitten handkerchief. I mustered a laughed and then leaned over. Leo got up from his seat, and sat down in front of me. Leo took my hands and wrapped my arms around his neck from the back. I leaned my head against his back and listened to Mr. Sparks's voice boom throughout the auditorium. "You shouldn't have to deal with this," Leo muttered softly. Lindsey replied, "Poor girl has no choice." And I felt her hand run across my back, making me tear up more. This just reminded me of Mom. And then all the pain was brought back.

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