chapter dos

21 2 0

Joshua's pov
I woke up to the sound of my parents arguing.
They have been doing that alot lately and sometimes I feel like it's my fault. I mean they started arguing since I came out but it wasn't as much as now.

I shot my door to cancel out the noise from downstairs. I got into the shower, brushed my teeth and came out in my towel wrapped around my waist.

I really need to go shopping I have nothing to wear in my closet. I just put on random a black hoodie and grey sweat pants and head downstairs.

"Morning honey, how are you?" Mum said. I look around for dad but he wasn't there.
"Where is dad?" I looked at her.
"He is out" she says avoiding eye contact
I sigh. Maybe they should just get a divorce. it would be easier for everyone

"Mum why don't you and dad just get a divorce" I say
"We can't get a divorce we don't.......I don't want you to grow up in a broken family"
"Yeah that's good but you are not happy in your marriage and so is dad and I kinda feel like I'm the cause of you and dad's arguing"
"No no no what makes you think that?" she asks looking worried
"Well I mean ever since I came out you and dad have been arguing and I think it has gotten worse"
"Joshua, honey it's not your fault it's my fault" she says as tears begin to escape from her eyes
"It's..... If I tell y.... you this don't tell your dad I told you" I nod she sniffled "when you came out I was 4 weeks pregnant"

I looked at her in shock

" i know... I was going to tell you but i started to feel unwell and your dad took me to a mid wife and she had told me that I lost the baby then your dad got upset because he thought it was my fault that I was irresponsible for killing our baby."

I look at mum how could dad do that to mum
"Mum it's not your fault it was an accident" I try to sound reasuring
"But it is my fault though during that time I was" she had stopped crying "taking drugs"
"Huh.. mum what are you talking about, what drugs?, I've never seen you take any drugs?"

She opened and closed her mouth again like she was about to say something
"Mum what's wrong?" then I realised she was looking behind me .

"Whats going on here" he said in a stern voice "nothing ,I'm going to a party later" .

"At what time "he asked


"When will you be back"

"Before 9"

"At whose house"

"A friend"

"What's their name"


"Who are you going with"

"Are you and Kayla finally dating she is a nice girl. you need to find a good girl for yourself.

"Or a guy" i add
"Sure whatever"


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