chapter tres

19 2 1

Nathaniels pov

"michael I didn't invite you over to drink the alcohol, you'll get drunk before the party even starts" I say
"Whatever man. What do you need help with" he says blankly
"I just need you to set up the table and get the crisps in the bowl"

I walked out of the kitchen into the living room. I got a text from Amy.


Hey when do you want me to come over

Any time I don't can come now

Ok bye babe see you soon
I love you- Amy<3

Ok sure bye

I turned off my phone, Left Michael downstairs and went up to my room.


I left the kitchen with a drink in my hand. I wouldn't really call it a drink maybe even a cuncution  made by Hannah (one of my friends).

The sound of music blasting from the living room was almost deafenig.

I bumped into a brown eyed boy . It was josh, He looked so nice in his black sweater and white cargo pants, his hair was so messy that it covered his eyes.

We said at the same which made the both of us chuckle.
"I didn't think you would show" I say
"I had nothing better to do"
"Yeah sure"
He bit his lips and asked can I have some of that.
"Yeah sure"i was about to give him my cup then changed my mind "it's in the kitchen"
''Thanks'' he smiled faintly and headed to the kitchen

I walked over to Amy.
"Hey , you look sexy tonight" " I could say the same about you"

She stepped forward and places her lips on mine. We basically began to make out in the middle of the living room with everyone cheering.
I opened my eyes as we were kissing looking around at the people who were cheering but only one person wasn't cheering .


He looked so gorgeous under the lighting of the room, his outfit fitted him so nicely. He looked


What's wrong with me , I'm making out with my girlfriend who I love. I think. Whilst everyone is cheering but I'm thinking about a guy.

"I'm going to go get some air" I tell Amy
"Yeah sure" she says.

I walk outside heading to the balcony

I turn around to look at the brown eyed boy
"Hey why are you not at the party" I ask him
"Yeah says the party host"
"I just needed air "
"Yeah seems like Amy was sucking the air out of your mouth"

I chuckled. I began to notice his face, looking at his eyes how they were slightly covered by his hair, I take note of his nose and then slowly glance dow to his lips. He licked them, I then had this sudden urge to kiss him, to know how they would feel on mine.

I could no longer control myself and began to lean it. He moved away

"You have a girlfriend"

"She doesn't have to know"

And for the first time in my entire life I was kissing a boy. But just not any boy


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