chapter siete

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Joshua's pov

Nate was pissing me off. Why is he playing with my feelings like this. I can't deal with this right now, I need to go visit my mum.


"She is getting better, with her performance she is likely to wake up in a month" the doctor said. He has to be joking "a month?! I can't wait a month for my mum to wake up. I'm already tired off staying at home alone and dad doesn't even come home as often". He looked at me questionably "are you having problems at home with your father". "What the hell, my dad is not like that".
"Well whatever it is I'm sure there is a reason behind it". He said trying to sound reasurring.

"Yeah sure. can I go see my mum now?" I asked. "yeah sure follow me". he leads me to my mum's room. She looks so pale.

The doctor had left me here alone, I walked up to her bed and sat on the chair next to her.

''Hi mum" I say holding her hand. "The doctor said you are going to get better soon, I hope so, You never told me why you took those drugs, why did you do this to yourself?, I was so worried" I began to cry "I thought you died, I thought you left me alone, I can't leave my life without you mum". I cry harder, "please wake up, please wake up mum".

I heard a knock on the door. "I'm sorry Mr Patly but visiting hours are over". I wipe my nose and eyes with my sleeve. I then looked at it disgusted, "it's fine I was leaving anyways". I stand up and head to the door.

Why is everything so shit today


Michael's POV

Me and Nate where hanging out at my house. playing mortal combat on my PS 4. "Hey you know who you should get with". I look at him confused "that's so random but who?"." That girl Deborah in our biology class". "You can't be serious, no bro she's so weird"
"Why not? you haven't dated in months" he says. "Well maybe because I don't want to date". "Why you lying for, we have been friends for a long time I can tell when you are lying. So just tell me who it is?". "It's nobody" I try to sound convincing, clearly it's not working. "Do I know this mystery person?" "Maybe".

"Just tell me who it is" he said impatiently. "Fine, okay it's a guy and we have been talking recently". Nate's mouth dropped like he wasn't expecting what I had said.

"" he cleared his throat "you like Joshua?"."Yeah is there problem with me liking him". "No I j...just wasn't expecting it" his face still looked shocked."well don't act all surprised. That's why I've been hanging out with him and I'm even planning on asking him out".


"What, why not"

"Because... because...". he looked like he had just thought of something "because how do you know if he is going to say yes". 'I'll just ask him" I said "yeah but what if you get rejected, aren't you scared of that" is he okay?.

"Why are you acting like this dude you are ment to soppurt me and give me ideas but you are doing the exact opposite". He looked defeated. "I'm sorry I just don't want you to end up being heartbroken".

I chuckled, "Nate I'm not 12 I can take care of myself"." Whatever dude I warned you". He rested his back comfortably on the couch, took the remote and changed it to Netflix to watch Bridgerton.

There is something bothering him.

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