2. Things.... Unexpected

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I noticed there were so many carmars in this building and I felt bad seeing those boys trying to keep their trainee mode and I can tell they were uncomfortable too. As I was thinking all this I spotted someone That I never wanted to see in my life. "Hi.." ??say while smirking "If you want to keep your jobs as an editor then leave me alone." I said and then ?? smirked. "You know I am the boy's planet editor and I never got fired... and there are cameras everywhere, so be careful y/n" ?? said while making a funny face that I couldn't tell if he was really warning me or trying to play with me again when he was our group's editor..... But I knew something bad is going to happen to this episode. I felt it.....

"I can't do this anymore" Keita told everyone "I Knew! Me too! I wish they wouldn't put cameras everywhere" Jay said. Suddenly someone opened the door, all the boys froze thinking they were going to be in big trouble but as soon as the door opened, everyone melted. "Oh sorry guys, I didn't know y'all we're all in here" Y/n said. Everyone signed and sung hanbin told y/n ''This is the only room that they doesn't put the camera on and I don't think they even know this room even is here in this building" "oh" y/n said while nodding "wait, so there is cameras everywhere and y'all have to keep a straight face when it's time to film?" Y/n asks "Yeah..." Jongwoo answered. Y/n felt really bad how the boys are treated behind the scene, Y/n always thought the boys were happy to reach their dream, well they are thats why they're here but... she didn't think they would've got this bad traited. "I'm sorry but whats the reason y'all are all here in this room?" "to avoid the camera and share things with each other while feeling comfortable and really be ourselves" Gyuvin said. "Oh, is it okay if I join y'all?" "Sure," Kamden said. As time went on in that room Y/n and the boys got really close and they all felt comfortable around her and would treat her like she was their sister. Well of course not in front of the camera. "Well I should go! That was fun! And I like all y'all being yourself rather than having a trainee face and personality that isn't even you! Again thank you! And I will get going!" Y/n said while smiling and waving and the boys waved back. The boys were kinda upset the moment with y/n was over but the more upsetting part was someone was looking for them! They had to leave this room and go to the practice room! They safely got out but were still scared. If one of the staff finds out about the spot they will be dead and won't be able to feel comfortable at all in this building. Y/n left the room but she saw a room she never saw before. The door was a little open so she decided to look at it for a bit, but when she noticed that's the room for editing, she heard what the boy's planet editor said. "We can get more views if you do that! That's why we brought her to be the last mentor" One of the editors said "True, but what about the trainees?" Other editor said, "Well, we don't care about the trainees do we? No, and if you do that they can get popular too!" "Okay let's do it then!" As soon as they finished talking y/n got angry and couldn't believe how they are going to get evil edited but also y/n!

Y/n walked out and looked down, not knowing what to do and regretting everything she did to come here.... But she couldn't let the boys get treated like this.... y/n didn't know what to do... and also she had to avoid any romance or drama with any trainees because that's what the editors are wanting.... Just for attention, views so they can get more money... Y/n sign as she had so many things going on her mind and she didn't notice she bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm sor- (Sung) Hanbin? What are you out here this late?" "Oh I couldn't sleep so I was just walking around" Hanbin told her. "Oh... are you nervous for the final round? I think that can be the possible reason that you can't sleep. Maybe try to hear calm music or you can continue to walk around!" Y/n said, "Thank you Y/n sunbaemin! "Mhm of course" "uhmmm do you want to walk with me? I need someone to talk about my problems but I don't know how to..." S.Hanbin shyly asked. "Yeah, sure! Are you okay?" Y/n asked while they were walking around "yeah, im fine it's just that, I feel really nervous since it's the last mission and.. What if I don't debut, what If i can hate on this last stage, what if I missed up so badly in the final mission What if-" Y/n cutted S.Hanbin by saying "Habin, calm down a bit, take a deep breath, and relax... and about all of your question, forget about it and I'm sure you will debut, weren't you like 1st at all the mission? What's the lowest rank you can get?" Y/n said while smiling. "Sorry, sunbaemin.. I was just really nervous.. Uhm... uhmmm..." "what's wrong" Y/n asked "nothing.." and then hanbin gave a paper to Y/n and said "Ohh this is one of the lyrics I wrote for the final round" Y/n looked confused but still read the paper but said 'There's a camera there... I think it was there the whole time...' And then y/n realized... and had a flashback of what the editor was saying.... "Oh this is a great lyric but let me fix this little part!" Y/n wrote something and gave it to S. Hanbin. 'Sorry, I didn't notice but.. I'm dead, because the editor is trying to make a romance with me and y'all..... Let's try to avoid romance' "Oh thank you sunbaenim" Hanbin said as he gave a yes look and left. Y/n also left worrying about her and Hanbin..... "I think I just made a big mistake...." 

This chapter is short sorry! and sorry it took so long I was busy the past 2 days but here!  this story will be short and is my first time writing it so I hope y'all understand, and hope you liked it.. part 3 tomorrow (Maybe, Hopefully I have time to write it ><)

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