Chapter 1: Flip the Script

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Whenever you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. But what happens when all possible answers lay outside the realms of reality? That thought process was running through Kiyotaka's mind as, in the blink of an eye, he went from his decorated third-year dorm to a crowded bus, filled with office workers and students.

'This is rather peculiar,' he thought to himself, 'Am I dreaming?'. He gave himself a pinch on the arm and felt a prick of pain. 'No, unfortunately not.'

He surveyed the vehicle, taking a note of how eerily similar this situation was to the first time he arrived in ANHS. The bus was nearly packed full of people. He spotted an elderly lady being helped by an office worker. If he remembered correctly, they were part of the commotion during his trip.

Speaking of commotion, the blond involved sat near them, arms crossed and eyes closed, uncaring of the world. Koenji Rokusuke, self-proclaimed perfect existence - with the power and skill to back it up - and the wild card of his class. He was an undeniable asset in their rise, even if he never grew out of his narcissistic views.

The final student involved stood in the crowd of passengers, an angelic smile attempting to hide her panic. Kushida Kikyou, a social queen with connections inneumerable and secrets immeasurable. Even after the revelation of her other side, boys and girls still kept flocking to her like moths to a flame.

Kiyotaka glance to his left, and a pair of scarlet eyes glanced back. Horikita Suzune, their first official leader. While she may have been rough around the edges, she developed into a fine co-leader for the class to follow. In their climb to the top, he had become her closest confidant. Instead of her nose being buried in 'Crime and Punishment' like the first time, she now looked at him with a mixture of expectation, confusion and worry.

He whispered, "Calm down, Suzune," and he could see her shoulders sag in relief, "I'll see you once we arrive."

At her nod, he stood up and made his way to the elderly lady. Catching her attention, he gestured to the seat he vacated. Giving him a wide smile, she gave him sweets as thanks and went to take a seat. He glanced towards Rokusuke, who was watching the interaction with one eye. He gave Kiyotaka a sign of acknowledgement, before wearing his earpieces and settling into a calm rest.

Kiyotaka turned and went toward his last classmate. He stopped in front of her, opened one of the sweets, and pushed it into her mouth. Her expression of mild panic turned into one of surprise, then annoyance, and settled on relief once she looked up and saw who was in front of her. Opening his arms, Kikyou dove straight into his chest and trapped him in a vice grip. He reciprocated the hug, ignoring the mutters of 'goddamn ikemen' and 'lucky bastard' from the jealous people around him.

After a long while, they separated. Her hand lingered near his. Taking the hint, he grabbed her hand, and she gave him a smile, a genuine one. The rest of the ride was spent in silence.

-- this Line Break is brought to you by a school bus, with its four windows taken by Chibi Kiyo, Chibi Suzune, Chibi Kikyou, and Chibi Rokusuke --

The bus finally arrived at the school. Kiyotaka and Kikyou waited for the other students to leave, before making their way out. Suzune was waiting patiently, tapping her foot by the side of the school gate.

When she saw the pair approaching her, she walked up to them and spoke, "Do you have any idea what happened, Kiyotaka-kun?"

"I have a few theories." he replied. She raised an eyebrow, expecting a more detailed explanation. "I'll voice them out in class. However, I assume you already have an idea?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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