Chapter 12: SNITCH's Last Stand

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Continuing right from the last video, Meggy was just about to willingly go into the Ink Zuccer when Karen swoops in at the last minute to save her. Whimpu also swoops in to protect Issac and Flora. Ernie states that he and Mikayla will go to Inkopolis to get enough ink to make more waifus to sell. And so, Karen gets parachutes for her, Whimpu, Issac, Flora, and Meggy, and proceeds to have them all jump off of the airship to an island on the outskirts of Inkopolis.

Continuing right from the last video, Meggy was just about to willingly go into the Ink Zuccer when Karen swoops in at the last minute to save her. Whimpu also swoops in to protect Issac & Flora. Ernie states that he & Mikayla will go to Inkopolis to get enough ink to make more waifus to sell. And so, Karen gets parachutes for her, Whimpu, Issac, Flora & Meggy & precedes to have them all jump off of the airship to an island on the outskirts of Inkopolis.

Meanwhile, Mario & Co wake up in a hospital getting treated for toxic gas inhalation. SMG4 wonders how they got out of the collapsing castle, to which the doctor answers that question by showing Wheeler in a hospital bed. Turns out that, as evil Wheeler is, the thought of his grandson dying forced him to steal Issac's cane & get both Shroomy & the rest of SMG4's crew out of there. Wheeler then dies from toxic gas inhalation & from his old age, which makes Shroomy very depressed as he vowed to save the day. Mario then realizes how much of a jerk he has been to Meggy & wishes that he knew her current whereabouts. We then get a news broadcast on the TV that states that Issac's Airship is heading to Inkopolis. It is from there that SMG4 uses Issac's cane to teleport the crew to Inkopolis.

Meanwhile, Meggy is sulking on the island while Karen berates Issac, stating that he was so focused on avenging Francis, that he did not notice how close Meggy was to her friends nor did he notice all the challenges Whimpu & Karen had to put up with, she even asked, "Where were you when I lost my job at Starbucks?!". This leads to Issac realizing that Meggy's friends meant a lot to her than he realized.

Issac then approaches Meggy & apologizes for supposedly killing her friends as he did not realize how much they meant to her. Meggy states that it is her fault for taking her friends for granted. Issac responds that she should not blame herself for everything & tells her that she can save Inkopolis in memory of her fallen comrades. This cheers up Meggy, however, Whimpu wonders how they will get off the island. Just then, daddy Boopkins comes & was enraged at first until Jubjub senses that Issac & Flora are good now & he gets Meggy, Issac, Flora, Karen, & Whimpu off the island and onto Mainland Inkopolis.

As SMG4 & CO arrive at Inkopolis, where Funky Kong is selling weapons to compete with Sheldon, the remaining members of Killer Ink come in to ambush them, with one of them asking, "What have you done with our leader?!" SMG4 tries to explain that their leader was in league with Francis & is a traitor to Inkopolis, but the members of Killer Ink are having none of that. Just then, a news broadcast from the Squid Sisters comes up on TV, "Attention citizens, the anime thugs are back, we are in a current state of emergency, everyone go to your bunkers!" Said Marie right before what appears to be Ryuk abducts Callie. Mario just states, "OF COURSE FRANCIS'S BITCH WANTS TO KIDNAP INKLINGS FOR MORE WAIFUS! HE'S JUST AS HORNY!" SMG3 responds, "Hey! don't say that about Issac!" Bob then tells SMG3, "Bro, who's side are you on?!" Tari then exclaims that they need to stop arguing and follow where Callie has been taken to reach Meggy's whereabouts as Meggy is probably in the same situation, & thus, the gang is in hot pursuit.

However, SMG4 & CO aren't the only ones pursuing Ryuk in order to save Callie, cuz Meggy, Whimpu, JubJub, Issac, Flora, & Karen are ALSO on the trail. Meggy whips out her ink boi & demonstrates her inkling abilities to fight back against Ryuk....only for her to lose her balance & hit a pillar. It is Whimpu that points out that having only one eye can lead to a loss of balance and lack of depth perception. Meggy then falls off the side of a building when trying to recompose herself, much to Issac's & Karen's dismay, only to be save by, who else, One Shot Wren, who still remembers Meggy despite being a human!

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