Chapter 1: 'The Regin 0f The Heir'

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Kim Song-Joongi Ki, The Mafia King 0f Scorpion sat with power in his throne room aka his office of the Scorpion hideout. He was facing his fireplace, his right veiny hand resting onto the arms of his throne as he took sips of his cup filled with burgundy wine. The sound of the wood which bathed within the flames cracked as it burned to charcoal. The noise of knocking was coming from the fall wooden door to the far left of the room.

"Enter." Was all he said, notifying whosever was on the other side to come into his office.

A figure with raven colored hair and pale skin entered. His expressionless face was poker. His clothing had slightly visible blood stains from the collar and the chest. 

"Father. The Mission was a Success." Was all that the person said.

Kim Soong-Joongi Ki thin lips formed a smiled. He motioned to stand and thus rested his drink on his fireplace and walked towards his son. Both his hands rested on his shoulder and he stood proud of his sons accomplishment.

"I'm proud of you son."

The son which eyes didn't dare to look into his father's eyes directed did. Taehyung's eyes met his father's at last. He saw the expression his father had made for him. Taehyung felt relived in a way.

"I told you I could manage on my own." He remarked to his father.

Kim Soong-Joongi Ki chuckled at his son's words.

"That you were right son."

Mr. Kim released his son's shoulder and thus went over to his alcohol table, there he had rested his bottle of Burgundy wine from earlier. Taking a clean glass for his son, he poured him a glass.

"Here." He pushed the glass of wine to his son's direction.

Taehyung of course took the glass. 

His father went for his and then decided to make a toast.

With his glass being held midair a speech was said dedicated to his son.

"I declare you long-lasting and never-ending success and reign as my heir."


Author Note:

This is just a little something to keep you guys active while I'm doing life stuff! :)

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