Story of Nightlight Moon Part 2

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Sneek whacks Swetzer on the head, "Heya buddy!!!" While everyone else chillaxes on a picnic elsewhere in the caverns, Nitti and Yume stay behind out of immense interest. Skarvs is also there because Nitti forced him.

"Woahhh I love this architecture!," Yume says in fascination with everything being structured from clothes, "How does it stay together?" Swetzer shrugs, nervously smiling. "You have MAXIMUM DRIP!!!," Nitti positively screams, Sneek making fashionable poses.

Nitti is in awe at having discovered a tribe by accident! Of course, Nitti still knows it's even better that the 6 of them were able to discover it together.

Swetzer sniffs Skarvs, disgusted at it's beautiful coconapple-scented detergent smell. Swetzer takes this as a sign of affection, hugging Swetzer to the point where any other Mixel would begin choking. Swetzer however, slithers out like a snakeworm, due to being but a hollow sweater.

Nitti and Yume mix to gather info at an even faster rate, having 3 cycloptic heads to ask around, annoying the nearby Clothians. Swetzer groans but then perks up in fear as he hears a cling! Skarvs is sniffing around, accidentally bumping into a shrine that holds the almighty Clothian cubit shard.

"ENO-O-OUGH!," Swetzer yells, splitting the mix with her voice and putting the shard back in place, "You should STAY in your lane," Swetzer points at Yume and Nitti, who now developed a friendship handshake. They pause, feeling dejected by Swetzer. "Relaaax," Skarvs says, "Those guys're just curious!" Swetzer then hisses, "And YO-O-OU get away from the cubit shard we worship!!!"

Sneek grins, "At least I did nothing wrong!" Swetzer sighs, "And yo-o-ou... stop making coo-oo-ool poses I guess." Skarvs hugs Swetzer gently, helping them calm down, "I'm... so-o-orry. I just have anxiety o-o-over so much... noise and... chao-o-os. No-o-ot to mention you guys crashing in."

Skarvs smiles, "Us Stitchlies are... hard to get along with. But in the end," Skarvs pauses, seeing Yume and Nitti finally finish their friendship handshake, "It's about adapting on both ends." Swetzer hears the Mixels celebrate. Skarvs puts an arm around Swetzer, pulling him closer, "Like I say! Mix together, make things better!"

The End

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