Chapter V - Temporarily Taking Care of Tyler

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Brittany sensed what was happening to Tyler and moved over to Tyler. Tyler immediately almost started to wail after Brittany put her arms around him. Most everyone looked at Tyler with not only sympathy but also worry and with raised eyebrows.

He cried that hard for a while even as Brittany held him gently but firmly.

"What happened to him? Because with the way he is acting obviously something did." Kennedy asked.

"A guy from our high school named Montgomery De la Cruz had sexually assaulted him with a mop handle. While two of his friends held him down." Clay said coldly while looking at Tyler with sadness and worry in his eyes. And everyone felt angry as well as sick to their stomachs.

While Tyler seemed to cling harder than he already was to Brittany, she held him to her and tried to calm and soothe him.

"Please tell me Monty can't hurt Tyler ever again." Brittany said as she held him, though her voice was a bit icy while looking over at Tony and Clay. The ice in her voice made a lot of them shiver, but especially Buffy, Giles, Asher, Rafael, Anita, and Jean-Claude.

"Thankfully yes." Tony said.

"Thankfully he along with Bryce Walker are dead now." Clay said smirking slightly.

Brittany nodded feeling relief while she held Tyler to her until he finally calmed down.

"Tyler, if you feel you need counseling you or treatment to help get over your ptsd from what he did, your welcome to come to my Center. I will gladly help you." Brittany said gently to him as she managed to make eye contact with Tyler.

"Really!?!" Tyler asked her looking at her with wide eyes.

"Absolutely. It's your choice though. I won't force you." Brittany said smiling a gentle smile at him.

"Thank you." Tyler said after nodding very slowly and smiling a shy smile back.

"She's got too kind a heart." Buffy whispered to Asher, and Rafael.

"Yes she does." Asher said while nodding. Though he and Rafael felt very worried about Brittany because of that fact.

"You are very welcome Ty." Brittany said gently squeezing his hand before moving back to where she was sitting.

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