Chapter XV - Mr. Porter's Tape

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As before Tony did what he had been doing. And as before it took a minute before Hannah's continued.

"One last try. I'm giving life one last try. I recorded 15 tapes. I started with Justin. And then Jessica. Who each broke my heart. Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus who each helped to destroy my reputation. On through Zach and Ryan...who broke my spirit. Through tape number 15...Bryce Walker...who broke my soul. But a funny thing happened as I finished number 15. I felt something...shift. I had poured it all out...and for a minute...just a minute...I felt like maybe I could beat this. I decided to give life one more chance. But this time, I was asking for help...because I knew I can't do it alone. I know that now. Of course, if your listening to this, I failed. Or he failed, and my fate is sealed."

"And I thought I could never show my face at that school again. Everything was dark for days. But then...just a little flash of light. A flash of light, and you think, maybe..."

"His door is closed behind me. He's not coming. I think I've made myself very clear...but no one's coming forward to stop me. Some of you cared. None of you cared enough. Neither did I. And I'm sorry.'s the end of tape 14. There's nothing more to say."

And that's where Mr. Porter's tape ended. And Tony moved to flip it to the confession Clay got out of Bryce.

Brittany sighed softly, "She was set on suicide whether he went after her or not. She lost her survivor's instinct. She was crushed to the point that she no longer had it."

Brittany also shuddered lightly because she hoped that would never happen to her. While everyone looked at Brittany worriedly as Kennedy held her right hand and Willow held her.

Then they listened to the confession which also had Clay's beating on it.

"That was a brutal way to cleverly get a confession." Kennedy said smirking slightly. And everyone nodded in agreement with her. As Tony got Bryce's tape to Jessica out and ready to listen to. Kennedy also had a cold amused smile on his face but also had respect for Clay.

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