5 Years Before... Rated R

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There he was. Sitting in between two old guys in a bench. I couldn't stop staring at the meaty thighs that were somehow three times the size of a normal thigh. But hey, that just means there's more to love.
Ever since Lukas brought up Alex yesterday, that was all I could think about. Even with a naked Wildrok laying right next to me, I just couldn't get my mind off Alex, or Aligator as I liked to call him. Because those thighs could kill.
I snuck out of bed and pulled out my iPad, going to my old social media site. MySpace. Wildrok would never find my messages to Alex.
Halley: Hey Aligator, u still up for the casual hook up?
While I waited for him to reply, I checked out tinder and none other than the infamous Alex, whose last name I won't mention, came up. So obviously I sent him a message there too.
Surprisingly, he answered his MySpace message first.
Alex: Halley, the invitation is always open to u. C u in five.
The reason he would see me in five is because we are next door neighbors. So I jumped out the window, ran to his house, and snuck in. I was used to this.
"You got the steak?" I asked, and he nodded.
Then I cooked meet on his big ole thighs.

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