Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

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"And now you have something borrowed, and something blue." Said one of my bridesmaids, Mallory. She placed the fake blue jay in my hair for the finishing touch. The only thing that's left is something living.
"Let's go get you married!" Shouted my maid of honor, Elise.
"Hey where's Cindy?" Halley asked, and I explained that she was helping Jimmy put in his knickers, but most importantly, his garter.
"And I can't wait to rip it off with my teeth ;)" said Halley.
The music began to play and Cindy led the way with her boyfriend, who was one of Jimmy's groomsmen, the one, the only, Adam Gamache.
Then Mal walked down with her husband, Lukas "Wildrok" Bellesini. I hooked him up after we broke up, and things have been amazing for them ever since. They're expecting their third child in two months.
Next Elise walked down the aisle with her fiancée, Kevin Judd. Ever since they sat next to each other at graduation in high school, they have been snap chatting non stop and now are expecting their seventh child in five years. He proposed over snapchat with a ring pop.
The music started to play, but instead of the normal wedding march, Jimbo and the Juggs flowed through the speakers. Halley was smirking and blushing, and Jimmy was staring at Halley's boobs.
The ceremony began and went flawlessly with the wonderful Justice of the Peace, Brian Girisoli AKA Big G. When he got to the part where he said speak now or forever hold your peace, things went array. Dun dun dun...

Something fell from the ceiling and attacked Halley's face.
"Ouch! What the Dan was that?" Halley exclaimed.
"Who is Dan?!" Jimmy asked, outraged. He turned around and looked to see if "Dan" was there and Halley caught a glimpse of his bedazzled thx with fire on the butt cheeks.
"It's not Dan. It's Cole. And it was my Fupa that fell. Sorry bout it." Said Cole, my crush from ever since that night at Mallory's house where we exchanged glances at each other's Fupa.
Cole walked down the aisle, somehow with his Fupa in hand. I don't know how that happened. But on top of the Fupa was a ring, and on top of the ring, with a Guiseppe Bastiani.
"You have to choose. Who is it gonna be Halley?" Asked Cole.
"I can't choose just one!"
"CHOOSE THE FUPA!" Yelled Andre's Grandma.

Twenty five years later, Halley and Fupa were laying in bed when she got a call from their third child, saying that they had met an older man and we're getting married.
"Bring him over!" I said and helped Fupa put on his clothes. When our daughter got here we saw her fiancée.
"Cole?" Said the Fupa.
"Fupa?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Said Cole.

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