Fourteenth. confession of love

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I manage to dispel the fear Bella was experiencing, of the concern with these allege 'animals' attacks, remaining adamant in my word I would never allow her to come to harm with me present. Her faith, in believing my declaration for her safety, is what drove my firmness of purpose higher.

I would never allow her, or those who I hold dear and close, to be in danger.

I sat, one leg situated up, having my arm resting on my knee. Gazing at the stars, on the roof of Charlie's house, the gentle distant calls and hoots of great horned owls from the forest sounding. I release a long, deep audible breath. " I wish there was a way, to communicate with you, grandpa."

my eyes focus on a bat coming out of a tree, chittering as it goes into the night.

" I am worried, about Bella. including Jess and Angela, these two girls I have made a friendship with. there is cold one, that killed an old friend of Charlie's, the coroners are claiming it as an animal attack. two puncture wounds found on the necks." Silence, just the resonance of wind whistling through the trees. It would be a miracle, or a fortuity of luck, if I got a response.

I hope to have a sign he heard my words.

Just when I was losing the false sense of hope, I convinced myself with, going to leave and go to sleep there is a distinguishable shift in the air. A vibrancy of white light fills the night void, then it disappears. There stood a man, olive skinned and serene tender brown eyes. He gave a hearty grin, I feel my jaw slacken.

" grandpa?" I utter, wanting to be convince my mind was tricking me. the stories of uncle amenadiel and my dad foretold me, grandpa never answered their prayers. sending cryptic signs, in quandaries of mysteries that would eventually make sense.

never did I hope my simple plead would be listen to.

" hello, Malachi. my grandson. Are you not going to give your grandfather, a hug?" He out stretches both arms. I recover from my disbelief, retuning the smile, standing from where I was seated. He accepts my hug, rubbing my body. " I am just in shock. It is surreal, seeing you standing here. or how fast it was for you to answer. Dad, uncle amen, won't believe my words when I tell them this."

Grandpa laughs. It is light, the sound carrying in in the dark. It's vigorous and gentle. Hand resting and placed, on my neck, cradling my head. " my grand child, Malachi. Your father and uncle, they are men who have to figure out their own complications in life. they can not rely on their father, much as I love my sons. you, on the contrary, do."

I exhale, liberating the breath of air I was not aware I was holding. Still in wonder of having my grandfather appearing before me. " Now, tell me." he guides my body to stand on the border of the roof, hand still a linger. " you are afraid for Bella, your friends. is that what I am coming to understand?" My head moves in an up and down movement, nodding.

" there is this vampire, doing frequent attacks and killings. A cold one." I shudder, in dismay, a image of Bella being targeted and being an assailed victim to this vampire. grandpa, as though noticing and understanding my fear, massages the spot he held on my shoulder. he listens with intent.

" I met a boy, grandpa. He's a vampire. a cold one, too. Edward Cullen. I have met his father, a doctor for the hospital, his name is Carlisle. He and his whole family moved here three years before I came here." I had an absent minded smile wanting to show, as I continue talking. my mouth turns down, frowning. " he is .. good, closed off but his change of moods really conflicted with how I viewed him."

reminiscing and remembering from the restaurant, to now, I could understand how it was a complicating circumstance for Edward. how it must be difficult to remain at the age he is, frozen forever in the body he is as everyone ages. Gets older. I began sympathising for him.  Not being able to form a proper connection, with the antipathy of losing those to old age.

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