chapter 4: bitches breakdown

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"What's up, dude?" YN asked coolly, Stan shrugged a shoulder. "I wanted to sit with you," he said, nonchalant.

"Hey Stan~" a high pitched, nasally voice made its way to their ears. Wendy sat in the seat ahead of the two of them, her grin falling at the sigh of the (h/c) haired girl. "Oh... and YN." The said girl huffed in response, not bothering to say anything back.

Stan had a slight annoyed look, but he masked it right away with a forced grin. "Hey, what's up babe." He said, earning a smile from the raven haired girl.

"I wanted to show you something." She said with fake innocence, her eyes telling a different story. Stan gave her a questioned look, as she pulled out her iPhone, a photo invading the screen.

She made sure YN couldn't see it, before whispering very lowly. "I think their dating."

"...Stan?" He turned his head to meet YN's concerned eyes and he softened a bit.


Kyle walked up Stans door after Mrs. Marsh had let them in. He banged at the door with his closed fist, his eyebrows furrowing. "Stan, open the door!"

"Good away." Was Stan's stoic reply muffled by the door that stood between them.

"Come on you idiot." Craig pushed past Kyle, banging on the door a little harder.

"Just fucking leave." Stand voice sounded forced and raw.

Kyle turned to Craig with a concern look. "Craig. What do we do?" Craig looked in though for a sec, before pulling out what looked like a bobby pin from his front pant pocket. He bent it back, making it straight. Kneeling to the size of the knob, he inserted the pin inside the lock, messing it around a little before the door was suddenly unlocked, as Craig stood up with a grin.

"Dang." Kyle whispered with raised eye brows.

Stan was rolled up in his blanket, shirt missing and hair a total mess. The boys stared at the raven haired boy with dull looks.

Kyle had doubts about Stan's relationship with Wendy. Ever since he met YN, he seemed to act different.

Maybe, YN was the cause of this...

"What, like, happened?" Kyle asked awkwardly, fishing for answers as his friend rolled around and grunted.

"I saw a photo of YN and Craig..." he trailed off, not giving anymore details.

Kyle leaned to Craig, "are you and YN dating?" He said lowly so Stan wouldn't hear. Craig shook his head with an amused grin, like he knew something the others didn't. Which he did.

"I think Stan likes her."

Stan shifted, his eyes looking up dully. "My chest h-hurts." He whined. Kyle rolled his eyes. He did the same act in fourth grade.

Kyle walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. Stan shifted and looked at the red head.

"Maybe you feel like this because... you like her?"

It looked like something in Stan's head finally clicked as he swiftly sat up, his eyes meeting Craig navy blue ones.

"Where is YN right now."

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