Luigi's Nightmares

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*Luigi's POV*

Ever since Bowser's breakout from his tiny cage, I've been stuck in the mushroom house for about 2 weeks. And I absolutely hate it. Not only are there guards to protect me in case of a break-in by the shape-shifter inside and outside, they have strict orders to not let me leave the home! "Che cazzo!" I huffed as I plopped myself onto my bed. It has been the most boring and uneventful 2 weeks of my life. Wow, I did not expect to ever think that way. I thought I liked life that wasn't too exciting and was actually simple and calm. One of my inside guards came running to my room, was that... blood?

"Luigi, RUN!" He said before collapsing. Is that a fucking knife on his back?? "Hello in there~! Are you afraid of me~? There's no need to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. At least not now~!" I heard a creepy girl's voice coming from the hall, metallic footsteps approaching somewhat quickly. "Well, hello~!" I heard the voice behind me, and her face opened up to reveal a robotic face underneath and screeched at me. I screamed at the horrifying sight and sounds in front of me. "LUIGI!" I heard Mario yell. I opened my eyes to see the robot girl was no longer there, and my fratello looked terrified. I was on my bed, and not a drop of blood was on me. "Fratellino, stai bene? You were screaming like a maniac to the point a guard told a passerby Toad to come get me! What happened?" Mario held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, his worry visible in his eyes. How do I tell him what I just had a nightmare about? Was it a nightmare? It looked too real to be a nightmare. "I don't remember. It somehow vanished from my memory. Mi dispiace, fratello." I tried to lie to my brother. He seemed to see through my lie but decided not to push any further.

The same nightmare occurred 5 more times in the span of 2 weeks. Even Peach began to worry about my well-being, seeing I can't sleep nearly an hour without the nightmare appearing. Yes, either I don't sleep at all or I have the nightmare. I don't like seeing the Toad guard dying over and over again in my dreams, so I push myself to not fall asleep. Those 5 times were the times where I gave in to my sleepiness. "I can't stay like this anymore, Peach. I can barely sleep in fear of this stupid nightmare! Please, find help for me, any help will do! I just want to be able to sleep well again!" I cried to Peach, my mind was losing control of my already pouring out emotions. "I'll see what I can do, Luigi. Your brother is just as worried as you are about your ability to sleep. I think I'll ask Rosalina about your condition, and if she can't help, I'll... have to ask the Koopas for help. Let's hope Rosalina can help you." Peach looked awkward when mentioning the Koopas, sighing before doing so. My heart leaped at the mention of the Koopas, my mind thinking about Bowser at that moment. Che cazzo ti prende, Luigi? Why are you thinking of Bowser now of any possible time? "When it gets a little hard to handle, I'll be there. When the feeling's gone and you can't go on, I'll be there." I heard someone sing from outside the Mushroom house. That voice was very awkwardly familiar for some odd reason.

"Stand back! You are not allowed entry to this home!" One of the outside Toad guards said. "Aww, but I came to help Luigi! I heard he hasn't been sleeping well and I wanted to help out the best I could. Luigi! Sei qui? Sono qui per aiutarti!" The voice called out to me, in Italian? "Let them through, Peach. They mean well." I said to Peach. I don't know why, but I find it difficult to lie in someone else's native language, my case Italian. Especially when it sounds like it's not your native language, which was apparently the case. Peach went out to bring the person in, and I felt like there was something off here. Peach came back with a red-headed girl in jean shorts and a midriff-showing shirt with a blueish green heart.

"Buongiorno, Luigi. Come stai oggi?" She said, a simple sad smile on her face. "Sto bene. Wait, how do you know Italian?" I answered before questioning her. "I learned a little bit of Italian back when I was in school. Not a lot, but still some pretty basic stuff. Also, why are you lying? I know you are not okay, otherwise you'd be able to sleep. Which I know you haven't." She shrugged her shoulders before redirecting the conversation back to my inability to sleep. I couldn't look up at her, something about her scared me. "Hey, wait a minute. I don't like this one bit. Mixzy, come out real quick." The redhead girl said. Just then, a black swirl of dust came from her back and materialized into a girl that looked an awful lot like her, except her hair was longer and a dark brown color. I heard the redhead speak to the other girl, I think her name was Mixzy, but I couldn't understand a single word they said to each other. Apparently neither could Peach, since she looked very confused. "You seriously couldn't keep the nightmares from coming to him, couldn't you Mixzy? Whatever, now I have to fix this. If I even can, considering how many he's had already." I heard the redhead say, and I understood it. But I was confused: did she know I've already had 6 of these nightmares? "I didn't know you had 6, but I expected you to have had at least 4 nightmares. Merda, I did it again." She rolled her eyes and groaned. She could read minds?? "Yes, I can. Oh wait, I just realized I never told you my name! Mi chiamo Eli!" Eli, the redhead, said. I was quite shocked at her telepathic ability, maybe she can help me after all. "Piacere di conoscerti, Eli. You say you can help me, right? Can you remove these terrible nightmares I'm having? They make me not want to sleep at all." I told her, but her change in facial expression worried me.

"Mi dispiace, Luigi. I'm afraid I myself can not remove these dreams, for it would take an energy amount that I currently cannot hold with me all the time. In fact, I will lose all of my own energies by the time I'm able to erase the nightmare's erasure barrier. And I don't know a place that I can draw equal, constant amounts for my energies for the duration of the removal. I did notice the nightmares do have a way for you to get rid of them without outside magics. But, I'm not sure your brother would like the idea one bit." Eli said with audible and visible concern. "I'd allow anything that let's my brother sleep for once and still be safe!" Mario said, walking into the room. "That's why you won't like it: because you don't think he'll be safe with this idea. You think Luigi won't be safe where the nightmares will fade away for him." Eli looked at Mario with a slightly angry tone in her voice. "You don't know that! How would you what I think if I haven't heard the idea?" Mario eyed her, and Eli chuckled. "Not only can I read minds, but I can see the future and any thoughts associated with it! Besides, you wouldn't like to send Luigi to a land you aren't exactly welcomed to be in. You being you, that is." Eli had this smug look on her face. And that's when I saw it: the sclera of her eyes flickered between black and white between blinks. She shook her head laughing, and then sighed heavily. "You can always say no, but it won't help your brother. He has to go to Bowser's kingdom and live there for at least 2 months. I know about Bowser being free, but I can assure you I will keep a good eye on him for you while in the Dark Lands. Not that I haven't been doing that from afar already." Eli finally said her idea and tried to convince Mario against saying "no" to the idea.

But of course, Mario being Mario, he said it anyways. "To the DARK LANDS?!? Not a chance, ragazza, I'm not sending him there! For all we know, Bowser is back in his kingdom and will capture him! Then, he will most definitely not be safe, now will he? No, we are not sending Luigi to the Dark Lands." Mario was practically yelling at Eli, not before her face quickly opened and closed in 6 different parts. "You will be sorry for that later. And if Bowser does end up capturing Luigi, I'll be there. I've already been in the castle before and Bowser knows what I'm truly capable of, anyways. When he finds out that I know someone hurt Luigi and he did nothing, he knows what's coming for him and his kingdom." Her face did the same movement again but much slower than earlier. I thought I saw metallic wires under her moving skin. "Luigi, pack some stuff for the trip to the Dark Lands. That is, if you want to be able to sleep peacefully again." Eli said, giving my brother a stern look as she mentioned sleep. "Mario, let him go there. I know you don't like him going near Bowser, neither do I, but we have to trust Eli with Luigi's well-being until he can sleep normally without having to be there." Peach looked to Mario and put her hand on his cheek to direct his eyes to her. "Please Mario, do it for your brother's sake." Peach pleaded to Mario, and he looked over to me and Eli. "Fine. But you better keep him safe! Or I won't forgive you or myself for it." He said. "Fine with me. Luigi, preparati in fretta. We leave as soon as you finish packing. I'll be outside." Eli shrugged and told me before walking out. I began to pack.

*Italian/English Translations*

Che cazzo: wtf (what the fuck)
Fratellino, stai bene? : Little brother, are you okay?
Mi dispiace, fratello : I'm sorry, brother
Che cazzo ti prende, Luigi? : What the fuck is wrong with you, Luigi?
Sei qui? : You here? (You there?)
Sono qui per aiutarti! : I'm here to help you!
Buongiorno, Luigi. Come stai oggi? : Good morning, Luigi. How are you doing today?
Sto bene. : I'm good.
Merda : Shit
Ragazza: girl

reparati in fretta: get ready quick

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