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391 10 17

-Norman's online-

Norman: Hey Emma

Norman: Can we talk?

Norman: I rly need someone to talk to T~T

-Emma's online-

Emma: I AM HERE!!

Emma: What can I do for ya NomNom?

Norman: I hate that nickname

Emma: Get use to it

Emma: What's going on?

Norman: Well...

Norman: I have this problem

Emma: The 'oh no all my coursework got deleted' or the 'oh no I don't know how to hide a body' kind of problem?

Norman: Oddly specific

Norman: But neither

Emma: Then what's wrong?

Norman: I don't rly know how to explain it

Emma: Try

Emma: I'll attempt to understand 👍

Norman: Fills me with confidence that does.

Emma: Ur welcome

Emma: Now speak ur truth

Norman: Well

Norman: I may like someone?

Emma: Like?

Emma: As in like like??

Emma: As in romantically???

Norman: Yeah, I think so

Emma: 😱

Emma: Our NomNom's all grown up! 😭🤧

Norman: I'm ignoring that

Emma: So who is it?

Emma: Is it someone I know? 👀

Norman: Yes, and that's all I'm saying.

Emma: Fine fine

Emma: So what's upsetting you?

Norman: I'm just a bit confused really

Norman: I've known them awhile, and now that I've realized what I'm feeling

Norman: I'm freaking out.

Emma: Oh no :'(

Emma: Do I need to assemble the trio for movies and hugs?

Norman: Please don't

Norman: It won't help

Emma: Wha- but hugs always helps!

Norman: Not in this instance Emma.

Emma: Alright

Emma: Well what do u want to do about ur situation?

Norman: I don't know

Norman: Probably just pretend nothings going on I suppose

Emma: Norman- you can't just hide from your feelings 🙄

Norman: I can and I will :)

Emma: Sure u will

Emma: U want my advice?

Norman: Yeah, that's why I messaged you not Don

Emma: Touché

Emma: If you're afraid to speak up to this person about how ur feeling, than perhaps try and figure out if they like u back.

Norman: How am I suppose to do that?

Emma: Ur smart u'll figure it out

Emma: But if u want to confront this person, the best thing to do is just be upfront and honest.

Emma: I'm sure even if it goes wrong, they'll understand and still want to be friends

Norman: I'm not so sure...

Norman: But thanks Ems, I appreciate it

Emma: No problem!

Emma: But I'm just gonna say this now that if it's me, I'm sorry but my heart belongs to another 😔💘

Norman: The confidence

Norman: Wow

Norman: You've got nothing to worry about, it isn't you

Norman: But thanks for clearing that up, I'm sure Gilda will be pleased to hear it 👍

Emma: Yeah :)

Emma: Wait-

-Norman's offline-


Emma: NORMAN!!!!

Emma: HOW DID U KNOW!?!?!?

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