Prologue. Fire and Iron.

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It was a silent night, in a camp near the countryside, by Lower Galilee. A peaceful, undisturbed visage of calm, in stark opposition to the hustle and bustle of the city. Two figures stood obscured by the shadows under a tree, looking into the horizon, where a building was illuminated by flames. One of the figures, a portly man wearing a distinctive green scarf around his neck, stood beside the tree, looking down at his shorter companion with certain discomfort.

"Avigdor." The man spoke calmly in tone, though he was tightly clutching the weapon he carried by his side, as though ready to strike down an invisible foe. "That factory was a dangerous target to choose. Think of all the members of Black Reaper that could have seen you. Or worse, they could have attacked you. You should not have gone without backup."

"We have been over this before Calev, just call me Avi." The shorter person, who was fully clad in thick metal armor, turned their head towards the man, an unseen scowl looking into the tall man's eyes, before turning back towards the city, shifting under their cover. "I just wanted to stop Black Reaper from taking more of us."

"Avi, my boy, please." Calev placed a large knuckled hand on Avi's shoulder. "By doing this you're only putting a target on yourself and on us. If Black Reaper had seen you they would--"

"Calev." Avi stopped the man before he could continue and turned to fully face him, moving an arm out from underneath their cape. In their armored hand was gripped a small dagger, with an intricate design on the hilt, and a blade that almost seemed to glow red under the darkness of the night. "... I've brought him back with me."

"Avi..." Calev stared at the weapon, stunned by the sight of it. "How did you--?"

"This blade called to me when I stepped in there, Calev." Avi said, before swinging the blade in their hands towards the sky. And like magic, a wide arch of flame emerged from the edge of the blade and sputtered into the night. "... A special Blood Iron Dagger."

The stunned Calev fell to his knees, and looked up at the dark holes that were Avi's facial armor. "... Avi... What happened at the factory tonight?"

Avi looked away silently into the distance, their small hand tightly gripping the blade. Images flashed through their mind. In one of a few offices dotted along the factory, a desk sat in the middle of the room. Avi stood in front of the desk, unmoving, glaring in utter contempt. Looking back at them from the other side of the desk was a man whose once handsome face was covered in scars, holding a blade in his hand and looking contemptuously forwards.

"So, come to say hello to your little brother?" The man spoke sweetly, pointing the blade at Avi. "Great that you did. I was looking to make another one like him~."

Instead of giving any response, Avi lunged forwards, ready for an attack. A swirling mess of metal chains flew from the armored person's arm. Startled, the man holding the dagger swung his weapon forwards, causing an explosion of flame to spout from the floor and deflect the chains.

The blast was so big it sent both people backwards, leaving a scorching crater in the office, flames starting to blaze up from the remains of the desk. In mere moments, they were spreading around the carpet and heading for the door. As Avi stood up and searched for the man, they saw nothing of him, the only thing left behind was the dagger.

Avi spoke finally, their mind suddenly jerking away from all those thoughts. "... I found the man who killed Uri. The leader of Black Reaper; Amit Cain. I was ready to fight but he ran. He left this behind, though." They clenched their fist tightly, flame starting to lick at the blade, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. "The blood of Uri was used to make this weapon. I will use it to stop Black Reaper. I swear it."

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