Chapter 13. Hot and Cold.

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The rest of the week was spent in training. Whatever time I didn't spend hanging out with my friends was spent with Mr. Rose. Training my sword skills and magic. Within a few days of training I felt confident enough with my sword to defend myself, though I couldn't get the hang of disarming. Lucky me, I had gotten the hang of creating very hot fireballs, though Mr. Rose always went out of his way to imply I could be doing more. What that 'more' meant, was beyond me. This also had the great effect of leaving me so tired I wouldn't dream at night.

I was a few days into the training when Mr. Rose decided to get a sparring partner for me to check my progress. So that day, I headed to our usual training spot, with my sword in my hand, wanting to show Mr. Rose something new I had been practicing. But when I saw Carmen sparring with... Carmen? When I got close enough for her to notice me, one of the two girls dissolved into a splash of water. I think cloning herself is Carmen's thing. Carmen's strong arms and abdomen were visible, and dotted with scars here and there. This only tipped me off on the fact that, as Mr. Rose had insisted several times, she was very good at combat.

"Alright, Elias, I just wanna see your progress till now. Try to disarm Carmen a few times. Don't push yourself too much." Mr. Rose then turned to Carmen, smiling. "Try to hold back a little."

Now that we were chatting about combat, Carmen had a grin so bright, her teeth could've won a hand to hand battle against the sun. She seemed so at ease now that she had a sword in each hand that I couldn't help smiling as well. It reminded me of the times when Franziska told me about a Magical Girl anime. I didn't have much interest in it but seeing Carmen so excited made me equally as excited.

We took positions. Carmen pointed her blade at me and motioned for me to take the first swing. I felt like showing off. Holding my sword left of my body, as if ready to swing I took a deep breath and slashed quickly, a powerful left-to-right movement. As I did, a huge fireball shot out from the tip of my sword, and straight at Carmen. As Carmen was distracted with dodging the fireball I rushed up to her and swung my blade down, knocking one of her weapons right out of her hand.

Carmen was about to attack me with the other sword, but I caught her slash on the strong of my brand, and with a twist of my wrist, wrenched the other shortsword out of Carmen's hand, leaving her unarmed, and knocking her to the floor, where my blade found its way in front of her face.

"Woah woah!" Mr. Rose stepped up to the both of us, smiling widely at me. "When'd I teach you that one?"

As I helped Carmen stand up I saw something interesting in her eyes. I couldn't quite tell if it was admiration, respect or maybe resentment, but she definitely was impressed with my skill with the sword. "I taught myself." I smiled at Mr. Rose and repeated the move. A moment to wind up and then a quick slash forwards. A blast of fire shot out from my weapon and into the sky.

"Takes a moment to come out, huh?" Carmen observed. I noticed after a moment that she was looking at my movements with interest, like she was trying to memorize them.

"Well, it's a long distance attack." I pointed out, watching the fireball sail into the distance. "Wanna try again?"

Carmen smiled at me and pointed her blade in my direction. "Try that once more."

We faced each other again, and for the third time I prepared to use my new fireball attack. A wind up, a slash and--. My sword stopped in mid air. In the blink of an eye Carmen had shortened the distance between us. Her weapons had met mine before I'd been able to finish casting my attack. Using both her weapons for leverage, she knocked the sword out of my hands and sent it flying. And with a quick kick to the chest, I was sitting on the ground, with a sword pointed at my face.

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