Chapter 17. The Sword of Gideon.

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When we returned to Dawn Home, Calev gave me the unenviable task of carrying Avi off to their room. I didn't much appreciate that I had to carry a person in full armor, but I didn't want to say no to Calev.

Luckily for me, Avi woke up as I was pulling them up the stairs, and I followed behind them to make sure they got safely to their room. I wasn't expecting it when they invited me into the room and asked me to lock the door. Quite embarrassed at the idea of being alone in the room with Avi, I accepted the invitation, and stood with my back to the door.

Whatever I was expecting to see in this room, I saw something completely different. It looked a little bit like my bedroom back in Colombia. Posters from colorful Japanese shows littered the walls. There was a miniature painting kit that looked immensely expensive and professional. The shelves were full of toys of all kinds and brands. Transformers of various toy lines, Gundam model kits, Power Rangers' giant robots and even the occasional Evangelion figure. I even saw a set of Gurren Lagann star-shaped sunglasses. Apparently Avi is way into giant robot suff.

Avi cleared their throat, interrupting my ogling of all the cool stuff in their bedroom "... You're the one that's delivering the sword." They cut to the chase, standing in front of me, with their arms crossed.

"... Sword?" I paused for a moment and looked away a little. "... What are you talking about?"

"Don't try to play smart with me, kid. My family protects the sword. Calev said you were the one." I wanted to point out that they were only 19 and had no right to call me a kid, but I barely held back from yelling at them. Just being around them, I could feel aggression seeping out of their body, and I had to try very hard to not let it permeate onto me.

"Do you think I'm not worthy to deliver it or something?" I stepped forward, crossing my arms defensively.

"Probably not 'unworthy'." They started to look me up and down, their eyes narrowed. "Just... Maybe, just... you're not ready yet."

"Not ready? I shot that big fireball at the assassin and you think I'm not ready?"

"Calm your horses, I'm not trying to start a fight that you would lose." Cocky jerk. "You're taking something very important, and I want... to talk to you. About the responsibility you'll hold, even if you never use it. About the horrible things that have been done with it. Take a seat there."

They pointed to what seemed to be a small chest, and I moved to sit on it. Now that they were in their room, they had taken off their armor, wearing normal street clothes under the shawl that covered most of their body. I can't say what made me feel more nervous. The dagger attached to a belt that lay on the bed, or the piercing look in their eyes.

"... The sword was created about two thousand years ago. My ancestor was a mad king, and a master of the magics of old, named Gid'on. Though, in this day and age, his name would be closer to Gideon. He used the power of his nation to start a war. He trounced his enemies. No survivors. Not one. The worst part? The bodies of the deceased never made their way to their families.

Knowing of the magic latent in the blood of humans, he had all those bodies taken away. Men, women and children alike died, and the result was... a Sword. A brand Gideon deemed fit for a king. A sword whose crimson blade could channel magic of all 5 elements. In the right hands, you could use it to end every war. In the wrong hands... well, a third, fourth and fifth World War could all be in the making."

Avi paused and started to look for something underneath their bed. I was curious as to what they were searching for, until they brought out what seemed to be an ancient looking scroll. "... Gideon himself used the sword to cause years of atrocity. And when he died in a battle of heinous conquest, the sword disappeared. Except not." Avi unfurled the scroll and I saw a map of the world. "England. Japan. China. France. Scandinavia. Spain. All over the world, myths and legends of great heroes, using magical swords. Using the Crimson Blade of Gideon to bring peace, to wreak havoc, to fell beasts that could have destroyed humanity, or to cause atrocities that words can't even begin to describe."

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