Chapter 2. Emails and Letters.

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I opened Franny's email and started to read it, shuffling with excitement, noticing that I wasn't able to hear Pedraza's thoughts anymore, probably because the jerk was fully asleep or maybe I was too focused on reading the words written by the love of my life. God I'm such a sap.

Heya Elly!

I'm so excited! I got my acceptance letter to the guild today! I'll be moving to the US to work for Nova Ranker soon! Please get back to me as soon as possible! We have to talk about this.

Love You

I stared at the email a few times, reading it as many as 5 times (I lost count) before I actually knew what I wanted to say to Franziska. I didn't want to let her know that I was in trouble at school. I didn't know if I had already been accepted into Nova Ranker or not but if I hadn't been accepted yet, my little round of Punch-Out with Pedraza could really end up costing me my admission into the Guild.

Hi Franny.

I'm happy to hear it! I haven't gotten my letter just yet but I'm still in the timeframe. I really hope we get to see each other soon. Also, sorry for answering so late. Mom and I went to the mall together and we've been busy.

Love You.

I felt horrible for lying to Franny but I didn't want her to get worried or mad at me. Hopefully, my acceptance letter was already coming my way and the guild couldn't check for any other bad behavior anymore. Hopefully. Last thing I needed was to stay here in Colombia, hanging out with people whose taste for musical artists has more STDs than the bawdy house Pedraza's Mom works at.

I waited for Franziska to give another answer, but figured it would take a while for her to do so. It was almost 5PM where I was, so it was probably very late back in Germany. I probably wouldn't really get any response to my email until next morning. I figured I'd be allowed to get out of here at any moment, considering it was already 5PM, I turned to look at Pedraza. He was asleep on his desk, and the teacher was looking at me expectantly, almost as if asking me what to do with the sleeping idiot.

I just got up and left the classroom. It was the teacher's problem, not mine. Once I made my way to the exit, I saw my mother's old Blue Chevrolet Spark sitting there. I was ready for a tongue lashing, and as I stepped towards the car, I could see the smoke of her cigarette coming from the driver side window, which was open even though the weather was starting to turn rainy.

My mom is short and somewhat overweight, but she carries herself like a big cat, ready to tear something to shreds when the moment calls for it. "Elias." She didn't sound angry or disappointed, just mostly tired. She was used to me making problems for myself, which she would then have to fix for me. "... Please just tell me what happened? Do you think I really have time to get off work early just to come fix your messes?" Exasperation in her voice, if I'd read her mind at this moment I'd probably turn into an ice cube from the negative emotions.

"... He hit and insulted Andy and me when we were on the bus." I sat in the front seat, crossing my arms in front of myself. Even if I had taken the wrong steps to fix the situation, I still didn't feel like I was in the wrong for defending myself. "And then I insulted him right back."

She narrowed her brown eyes at me and crossed her arms, reaching for her purse and motioning for me to continue.

"When we were on our break I saw him trying to steal a little kid's lunch money and I thought I'd stop it."

"And then you got into a fight?"

"He's a bully! What's so bad about kicking his butt?" I may have used a stronger word there. "What would've been of the little boy if I hadn't stopped Pedraza anyway?"

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