The Move

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8:30 that morning

"Felix you need to wake up ! Your flight leaves in an hour" his mom yells.
"5 more minutes and I promise I'll get up" Felix groaned, the boy was too comfortable to get up from his bed. "Felix if you miss this flight, your grandmother is never going to forgive me" his mom began to pull his blanket off. "Okay mom I'm up" he got up and rubbed his eyes, adjusting to being awake "I don't understand why my flight is so early" the blonde questioned.
"Well it takes a while to get there and your grandma wants you there early ! Remember you still need to sign up for school" his mom began to explain.

Felix was leaving Australia because he needed a change in his life, being born and raised in Australia had it's perks but he was ready to try something different so when his school offered to send him to Korea as a foreign exchange student he took that chance. "What school am I going to anyways ?" Felix had a mouth full of toothpaste.
"I'm not sure but grandma says she'll help you, now hurt you have about 40 minutes"

Felix looked at himself in the mirror, brushing out his long blonde hair, applying his favorite lip tint and perfume. Felix wasn't too sad about leaving, he had one close friend at his school, other then that he normally kept to himself. Felix was very popular among the girls and guys but he knew in this generation they all wanted "ONE" thing. Don't get it wrong Felix didn't believe he was too good for anyone but he knew his worth and he wasn't going to let anyone play with his feelings.
As he finished the final touches he grabbed his luggage and headed out.

>>> Time Skip <<<

"Are you sure you have everything you need ?" His mom asked trying not to cry.
"Mom I'm not going to war, I'm going to school and I'll call you every chance I get and visit as soon as possible ! I promise" he smiled.

They exchanged I love yous and call me when you get there before Felix headed to board. Felix couldn't lie he was a little bit nervous not because he was going to be alone basically but because he knew Korea was a conservative country. How was Felix going to express himself with his makeup and cute outfits and on top of that being gay ? He didn't know but I guess it was way too late to consider the factors. "No turning back" he said to himself.

The plane finally landed, Felix had fallen asleep and woke up to people around him moving and grabbing their things. He grabbed his suitcase and headed towards the exit ... he waited outside until he saw his grandmothers car pull forward.
His grandmother got out basically running to him
"Yongbok-ah my beautiful boy, I'm so happy you're here" his grandma grabbed him and basically squeezed the air out of him.
"Hi grandma, I'm so happy to see you too" Felix embraced the little old lady in a hug.

The car ride wasn't long from the airport to his grandma's house, the car ride was mostly small talk and how are you before his grandma mentioned "so your mom told me I have to help you with schooling, they mailed the packet to my house already" his grandma looked at him with a smile "so are you excited ?" Felix turned to her and nodded "yes I'm a little bit nervous but nothing too bad" they continued to talk until they reached the house.

As they entered his grandmother helped him with his luggage, basically giving him a tour of the house and explaining where everything was. "You must be hungry, I'll go and make you food while you get settled in" she gave him a kiss and left the room.

Felix looked around, he hasn't been in this room in so many years and it hasn't changed a bit. He began to unpack his suitcase, putting everything away and calling his mom to let her know he arrived safely.
After having a nice meal with his Grandma, he headed back upstairs to freshen up and get ready for bed.. he doesn't start school until the day after tomorrow so he had the whole day to himself.

As he laid in bed he thought about what was to come. Will he make friends ? What will the school be like ? Things like that fogged up his brain but he tried to think of positive thoughts and soon enough he drifted off to sleep.

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