You and Me.

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Like promised, Hyunjin made it his mission to give the younger his best memories here.
"Jinnie ! Want to go on this one ?" The blonde exclaimed, he was much better now, smiling.

The blonde was dragging the older boy to every ride and every game he could find, they finally got to a game where it involved hitting a soccer ball into the goal three times to get a stuffed animal. Felix was so intrigued by the people playing. some would win, some would lose but he was enjoying seeing the people have fun. Hyunjin had a great idea, he handed his bag of popcorn to his boyfriend.
"Hyunjin what are you doi-" Felix asked confused.

"Getting you a prize !" He exclaimed, handing the man his tickets and mentally preparing himself, he hasn't played soccer since a teenager but he'll give it a shot. Felix laughed "Jinnie .. what if you don't win ?" He shouted. Hyunjin could only chuckle "if I was able to win your heart, there's no game I can't win" he yelled back as he was handed the ball.

"Get 3 goals and you can get one of these special prizes" the man pointed at each of the animals above, a bear, a chick and unicorn. He scored once, missed the second, and hit the third, he was already sweating but he was determined "ok one more goal sir and you can get one of these prizes" hyunjin took a deep breath "You got this handsome" is all he heard when he turned to see the blonde blowing a kiss at him. "Please let me make this for him" he told himself. He didn't know who was listening but he thought if he spoke it into the universe like everything else. Maybe it would work.
He opened his eyes and kicked with all his force, it made it in ! The lights went off signaling someone won. "Jinnie you made it !" The blonde ran up to him and gave him a huge hug, Hyunjin could give a dam about a stuffed animal. The blonde in his arms makes him feel like the biggest winner in the world.
"Ok sir, which one would you like ?" The man asked.
Hyunjin looked at the younger who was looking at the cute little chick, "I'll take that one" he pointed at the fluffy yellow chick. He grabbed it and immediately handed it to the blonde "for you, love"
Felix smiled the biggest smile as he grabbed it and squeezed it.

Time Lapse

The sun was already setting and the boys have been there for hours, Felix and Hyunjin would hold hands and just talk with each other. They played a few more games and did a couple more rides, Felix had a good idea "baby come with me real quick" he pulled the man who was in the middle of eating an ice cream. They ran through the crowd as they made their way to the last ride "where are we going, love"
Felix stopped in front of a particular ride "let's go on the Ferris wheel" he squealed. It didn't take long for the two boys to finally get into a cabin, the sun was the most beautiful colors of orange, yellow and pink.

Felix made sure to sit across from the older, so he can see his beautiful face. The Ferris wheel stopped right at the perfect moment, the sun was about to set and if the rumors are true. Fireworks would soon be set off.

Looking at the older male brought nothing but happiness to the blonde, he can't believe this is his boyfriend. A man he had no plan to love because he was convinced the man couldn't, here he was IN love with him and when he thought about the rest of his life he just knew he wanted it to be by his side.

"Baby look at the fireworks" Hyunjin said excitedly. Felix thought the fireworks were beautiful but even with lights exploding in the sky,He couldn't help but look at the man in front of him. He was beautiful and without much thought Felix grabbed Hyunjin by his jacket and pulled him into the most passionate kiss.
The two turned to deepen the kiss, holding each other and living in that very moment. The sounds of cheering and fireworks exploding in the back ground, the two pulled out of the kiss. Almost as they were high off one another, so hypnotized by the other that they didn't realize the firework show ended. "I'm sorry you missed the show" Felix whispered.
Hyunjin chuckled "Oh darling, all of the fireworks in the sky never shine as bright as your eyes"
Felix had tears ready to escape, this feeling he felt he couldn't even begin to put into words.
He was in love ... this is what love was like, this was the feeling they described in books and movies.
"I .. love you Hwang Hyunjin" Felix smiled with tears slowly rolling down his eyes.
Hyunjin's eyes widened as he heard the man say this it wasn't the first time but this time it felt different, it felt as if a hundred fireworks exploded in his chest and a roller coaster was at full speed in his stomach. The next words came out like word vomit but he felt completely vulnerable enough to say them.

"Felix will you marry me ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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