Summertime Sadness

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It's April now, 2 months have passed since that one beautiful night after prom. The two lovers woke up that morning with a whole new meaning of love, before it was a guessing game on what they felt.
But now it was evident, the two loved each other.
Hyunjin never thought he'd fall in love and Felix didn't know what love felt like but here they both were, the definition of love itself.

That morning they talked about their feelings for one another, and made it official official sealing that promise with one more slow love making session.

The question of what the two were going to do when Felix's exchange student contract ended did come up but the two were so busy living in the present that they'd push it to the side. "We still have time on our side" is what they'd both say.

Time was running out.

Students were taking final exams, preparing their college admissions letters, some didn't have a plan at all but school was getting closer and closer to ending it's year. Felix was in the counselors office waiting as she called for a meeting with him.

"Hello Mr. Lee" she said coming into the office, with a stack of papers.

"Hello, you called me in ? Is there something wrong ?"

"Oh yes so about your contract.. the admissions office made a mistake. You originally were supposed to stay till the end of the year but because of the amount of foreign exchange students we have interested in our program we have to cut your time here short"

The information came like a shock to Felix ! He knew he wasn't going to stay here forever but they're cutting his time now ? He was hurt, angry and confused. What is he supposed to do now ? With his friends, with his memories here and most importantly with the man he loved.

"How much time do I have left ?" He asked tears brimming his eyes.

"Until May, Felix we would love to keep you but you have to understand even if we did decide to keep you, you're not a legal citizen of Korea and under those circumstances you are forced to leave." she tried to come across as concerned but she was very blunt about it.

"No ... I understand" Felix got up slowly as he headed out the door, it's like the only thing he can hear was his heart breaking. He couldn't hear the lady talking to him or the kids laughing around him.
He knew it was a bad idea to get attached, that's why he stayed to himself in the beginning to avoid something like this from happening, but now that he was attached what is he supposed to do ?

"Lix ! There you are ! The guys want to get ice cream do you want to come ?" Han said.

Felix didn't say a word as he was still shocked by the news, he didn't think his face could give it away but it did. "Hey hey Lix ! Are you alright ?" Han shook his shoulder to snap him out of his thought.
Felix gave him a glance and without warning he broke down into his arms "Hannie .." the boy didn't know what to do other then hold him in his arms and give the "it's okay"

After Felix calmed down a bit he started to tell the boy what happened. Han was also shedding tears, felix has become such a big part of their friend group he's the one that helped them become confident, he helped Suengmin get chan, he's been an amazing friend to them. How can they just let him go.

"So what do you plan to with Hyunjin ?"

Time Lapse

Tonight was the night of the carnival and all the students were excited! This was one of the stepping stones to the end of the year, they were one step closer to becoming graduates.

Felix was a little distant the past couple days which no one knew why, other then Han he hasn't told anyone else. He figured it wouldn't be smart to ruin their fun time with this news so he held off on it.
Hyunjin was also lost, every time he'd try to speak to the blonde, he'd avoid him like the plague. "Did I do something wrong ?"
Little did he know what was going to happen.

The group met up as they all were going to go to the carnival. They showed up to the meeting spot one by one, Felix had told them he'd be meeting up with them a little later.
"Hey Hyunjin, what's going on with Lix ?" Chan asked. Hyunjin shook his head because even he was unsure on why his boyfriend was being distant, every time he'd try to talk to him or show up to his grandma's he'd make up some elaborate story on why he can't talk.

The night went on as the boys were enjoying themselves, Hyunjin was walking, looking at all the lights. He gave up on the idea of the blonde coming that is until he saw him. He was trying to be like a ghost, stay in the crowd and in the shadows away from everyone. Hyunjin couldn't take it anymore he hated that there was so no communication and no reasoning. He ran towards the blonde immediately "Felix !" He called, the blonde turned to the man and was about to turn on his heel when hyunjin stopped him. "No Felix, talk to me ! Is there something I did wrong ?" Felix tried to squirm out of his grasp
"Please hyunjin I can't do this right now !" He tried to loosen the grip on his wrist but he couldn't.

"No Felix ! Not until you tell me what's wrong with you ! I am your boyfriend and you're treating me like I don't mean shit to you !"

It must have snapped in the blondes head because after Hyunjin said that, he immediately broke down.
"Jinnie ... I ... am so ... sorry" the boy cried out.
He just cried and cried into the man's chest, "baby I am here for you ... just please talk to me ..." hyunjin was on the verge of tears as well as he saw how sad his boyfriend was.

Hyunjin led Felix to a quiet area of the carnival and that's where Felix began to tell him everything and why he was distant ... "hyunjin .. I can't stay here and I knew this would happen but I just can't believe it"
Hyunjin felt like his heart shattered, like his heart was made of glass and it dropped from a 100 foot building. They both knew the foreign exchange contract wasn't permanent but they never thought of what to do after the fact.

Hyunjin wanted to cry just as bad as the younger but one of them had to be strong, "look baby we have until the end of the month, for now we enjoy it ! We do everything together and we make the most of it!"
Felix sniffled as he looked up at the older
"But what abo-" Hyunjin immediately cut him off "no, no buts we spend this month making memories and forget the world, just you and me" he wrapped the blonde in his embrace once again caressing his back.

"I love you Felix"

"Jinnie, i Love you"

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