2// Time and Money

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The Casino Bar was still seen with deem light as the clock strikes at 12:00 am and as the Casino is mostly dark around with only the light at the bar.

Taz goes behind the bar to get Pepper a drink of fresh vodka that seemed still packaged.

Taz then grabs two wine glasses and sets them on the bar table.

As Taz is pouring the vodka across from Pepper
Pepper makes business conversation.

"So did Cooper mention how I wanted my money from tonight?" Pepper said glaring at him

As Taz Glares back to be the one to say 'two can play at that game'

"Yes you will, but maybe a first good drink will help after a long night. Right Pepper?" Taz says now handing a drink of vodka to Pepper

Taz walking around the bar table wanting to sit next to her
There was a brief silence for a moment

"So how are you doing love?" Taz said breathing out

"Taz, just give me money and let me leave, I haven't slept in two days. You could at least let me lea-" Pepper said annoyed until Taz interrupted her

"You can hold out for 30 minutes" Taz said looking side to her

"I need to go home Taz, I don't want a drink right now" Pepper said tiredly

"JUST-.... Have. The. Drink" Taz kinda yelled then remained in calm

Pepper fixing up her chair and took a little sip of vodka. Kinda disgusted her, it tasted sour and very strong.

"There, now that wasn't bad" Taz started to pat her back hard as Pepper kinda jumped at it.

"Taz.... What did you want to talk about" Pepper said refusing to look at him

"well my casino is high among tree town city but some things may need to be arranged for people or specific people." Taz then took a sip of his drink

"I already asked a couple of strippers from here if they want to do it. But I've met some of the specific men that want to hear more about you"

"What do you mean by that" Pepper said

"Paying more for private shows with separate rooms for strippers" Taz then said to Pepper to just confront her about

"Count me out, I'm not that desperate" Pepper then took a drink of the vodka then Taz grabbed it out of her hand and sat it back on the table

"What the he-" Pepper said as then both of Taz's hands grabbed to the sides of her arms
Pepper then quickly in contact with Taz's eyes

"You can make me more Pepper, you have the looks, the body shape and the seduction" Taz starting to shake her

Pepper then overwhelmed started to muscle her arms out to get out his grip
"Pepper you'll be a princess in your own room with a show for men who out to seek to, to this place filled with and soon enough it'll be enough for me to own a big part of the street to just being called a Casino town itself" bringing Pepper closer to him with his hands as his tail is excited by the idea then what Pepper was thinking as he started thinking more

Pepper felt his foxy claws almost jabbing in her arms like a blade about to cut food

Pepper being overwhelmed and angered she pushed Taz a little off of her

"NO." Taz was pushed a little back off his chair and was angered by it and breathed for a second
Pepper realizing what she did, got up and said one last thing

"I said no. I only want a distance from people and that's where I would like to stay. Please"

Pepper didn't think she would have got that off her chest

~ My Thieving Raccoon ~ (Shifty x OC) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin