chapter 8 Bismarck heads for Sakura Empire

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Bismarck fleet returns to azur lane and the girls were really happy to see them.

Ship girl-1: They are back they have returned.

Ship girl-2: they have returned.

Bismarck fleet gets off the ship and prince of Wales and illustratrious goes to meet them.

Pow: Welcome back you all was the mission scussesfull?

Cleveland: Yes it was all thanks to Bismarck.

Illustratrious: Bismarck have you brought the cargo.

Bismarck: Yes illustrious I have brought the cargo the cargo is in our ship.

The manjues started to unload the cargo.

Illustratrious: Your majesty wants to speak with you Bismarck.

Bismarck: I am on it.

Bismarck went to the queen and he bowed to her.

Bismarck: Your majesty I am back from the mission.

Q.E.: Nice to see you to mr Bismarck but you had sink Many ships and your tactics are great so I have decided that you will be given the reward of being the biggest battleship in azur lane.

Warspite: That a nice reward for a ship your majesty.

Bismarck: Thank your majesty.

Bismarck soon walks around the base and girls surrounded him.

Ship -girl 1: Your so much cool Bismarck.

ship_girl 2: Yes she's right.

After that Bismarck went to sleep in his room after dinner

The next day

Bismarck gets ready and Belfast Knocks the door

Belfast: Mr Bismarck are you ready you have been selected for a secret mission.

Bismarck: I am on it.

Bismarck went to the queen and bowed to her.

Q.E.:mr Bismarck you have been selected for a mission.

Bismarck: What mission your majesty.

Q.E.: You will to Sakura Empire with Edinburgh  and sheffield to find that secret weapon and bring it over here.

Bismarck: Yes your majesty.

Bismarck task force took off for Sakura Empire.

2 days later they reached Sakura Empire

Bismarck: Okay I will hide in the mist while you two will search the base and found the secret weapon when you are ready give me the command and I will fire at base and you two will  get to me and retreat and I will keep a eye on you.

Shellffield and Edinburgh: Got it.

Sheffield and enduenbirgh were walking around the base but they found nothing until.

Shaigiro: Where that bumbing fool akashi slacking at.

But enduenbirgh falls on the ground and shaigiro notice her.

Shaigiro: Hey are you okay.

Bismarck: Oh No!

But Sheffield soon came and put the mask on her.

Shaigiro: Hey you had dropped your glasses.

Enduenbirgh put her glasses on her and essaped.

Bismarck: Phew that was a close one.

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