Yandere Leo x Depressed M!Reader 🩸

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TW: cussing, described gore, murder, self-harm, bullying, bad jokes, Leo being Leo.

-At school-

(Y/N) POV:

(Bully/Name) was at it again. I am so fucking done with their bullshit. "Ew, what's that smell? Hahaha" Like Jesus Christ who even likes you. I felt my face getting hot.

Getting caught up in my thoughts, I ran into somebody. Just my fucking luck. It was (Bully/Name). Just what I needed today.

"Watch where you're going, freak!" They said until noticing it was me. "Oh? It's just you, (Y/N). Wanna have some fun?" They said rhetorically.

"Meet me at the back of the school during lunch, or else." They scrunched up their face to make them look menacing.

"Or else what. You can't do anything I haven't done to myself. Hmm. I wonder what your girlfriend would think if she saw you kissing (Girlfriend's BFF)?" I show them the photos on my phone.

They looked shocked as I walked away. I thought it was over till I felt a tugging at the collar of my shirt. I stumbled into them, dropping my phone in the process.

Coincidentally, my phone slides right beside (Bully/Name)'s foot. They spun me around, looking at my face. A bunch of kids around us had their phones out, expecting a fight. (Bully/Name) stomped on my phone, shattering it.

I heard a bunch of "oohs" from the crowd that had circled the two of us. "I said, Meet me at the back of the school, bitch." Fear swarmed through my body, like bees.

Just then the bell rang for the next class to begin. I ran to the bathroom, shutting one of the stall doors. I put down the toilet seat and its cover. I balled myself on the toilet and cried.

◇ Self-harm starts here◇

I pulled out my pencil case. It held 4 things. #1 hydrogen peroxide, #2 a pencil sharpener blade, #3 gauze/bandages and #4 a lighter. I rolled up my pant legs and burned the blade so I wouldn't get an infection.

I burned my fingers a bit, but I couldn't even feel it. While the blade was still hot I sliced several deep cuts into my calves. I only realized that I took all class period cutting when the bell rang for lunch.

I got the peroxide and dabbed it on the wounds, cleaning it. As I wrapped the bandages/gauze around my legs tightly, I heard someone open the door.

"Hey, are you okay in there? I see blood on the floor." The strange voice said. I looked down. In a panic, I said "Don't worry, it's not mine," I scolded myself as the guy ran out.

Shit! It's lunch. I have to go fight (Bully/Name)! I ran to the back of the school, almost tripping over my own feet. I think I broke my record. I was in there before 5 minutes passed.

"You're late. Oh, it seems somebody got to you before I did." They said, sounding a bit disappointed. They kicked me in the side. "Not like I care, you just have to tell me who." They said as they kicked me in the ribs repeatedly.

I wonder why they want to know. I raised my hand signaling for them to stop for a moment. "What, finally gonna tell me why your pant legs are blood stained?" I look down.

"Holy shit! I have to change the bandages and wash my pants before my mom finds out! Shit shit shit!" I spoke in a panic, taking out the pencil case and carefully unwrapping my bandages.

They looked confused when I spoke. I got the peroxide to disinfect it once more. Just in case. I wrapped myself in the bandages, twice so hopefully I didn't bleed as much anymore.

"Holy shit, dude are you okay?" (Bully/Name) asks. "Nope! Hey by any chance, do you have a spare pair of pants? Tomorrow you can beat the shit out of me, I swear. I just gotta get these pants cleaned before my mom puts me back into a psych ward." I said extremely fast.

"Uh I think I have some in my locker, stay here. Or your legs aren't gonna be the only thing bleeding?" They sounded extremely unsure.

When they left I saw a blue mask fall from the tree above me. "Peek-a-boo!" I looked up to see Leo jumping from the tree, shaking its branches.



☆I am way too tired to finish all this, there will be a part 2. I swear on my grave!☆

Have a lovely day/night my lovelies! ♡

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