Yandere Leo x M! reader pt2🩸

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When they left I saw a blue mask fall from the tree above me. "Peek-a-boo!" I looked up to see Leo jumping from the tree, shaking its branches.

You roll your eyes jokingly. "You shouldn't be here," you say in a serious tone. "And why not? I'm a ninja! They can't see mee!" Leo says sticking out his tongue.

"Pft- Dork." You say, covering your mouth to muffle the laugh. "Scoff! Are you laughing at me?" Leo replied playfully.

The back door creaks open. Leo jumps into the bushes, before (Bully/Name) could see him. "What the fuck was that noise? I swear to all that's holy if you called someone I will smash your head into the concrete." You laughed at the statement.

"Nah, you act like I have decent friends." You replied with a chuckle. (Bully/Name) lets out an uncomfortable laugh. "They might be a bit big, but I got the pants. If they don't get returned-" I cut them off "Yeah yeah, threats threats, killing me, blah blah blah." I said mocking them.

I took off my blood-soaked sweatpants in front of (Bully/Name), replacing them with their jeans. They sagged off of my hips, showing my scarred thighs.

You could hear Leo gasping from inside the bushes. Luckily (Bully/Name) didn't. Their jaw was wide open and they looked like they were drooling. Deciding to break the silence you spoke up.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." They almost immediately snapped out of it. I adjusted the waistband on both sides. I looked like shit. Even Satan himself would be terrified of this outfit. But it was better than walking around in my underwear all day.

"Thank you, (Bully/Name). You're really sweet." They almost screamed at me saying dumb shit. "Ew! I don't like you! Whoever would! I don't even care about a useless piece of trash like you! I'm only doing this because if you died because of me I couldn't sleep at night!" They went on and on rambling about how they could give e two shits and a fuck.

The bell rang and they slammed open the door running down the halls. I giggled a bit. Leo came running out of the bushes. "What was that? I thought you didn't self-harm anymore (Y/N)!" Leo said in a panic.

You sat there, disappointed in yourself. Leo yelling at you for being so dumb, and how you could get seriously hurt didn't help with the intrusive thoughts swarming in your head.

Leo seemed to notice as he picked you up and took you to the sewers. "Leo! Leo wait! I still have school!" You yelled at him as he entered the base.

"Not anymore. You are staying in my room. Give me your 'supplies'. You won't be getting these back, I hope you know that." Leo looked at me with a stern face.

I handed Leo my pencil case. "I'll be right back, stay here." Leo made a portal and hopped through it, pencil case in hand.

_______  ☆shit starts here lmao☆______

Leo POV:

I took (Y/N)'s pencil case and hopped through the portal I had made seconds ago. "I'll be right back, stay here," I said before heading out.

I made my way back to school right as the buses were taking off. I followed (Bully/Name) to their bus. Don't worry, I stuck to the shadows.

I hopped on the top of the school bus labeled 28. (Bully/Name)'s stop was first. Thank gods. When they went inside I tossed the pencil case in and grabbed the lighter hidden in my shell.

I watched as the house went up in flames, their screams were the best part. Just wait till (Y/N) hears about this. He's gonna be so proud of me, I can feel it in my bones.

I portaled back to the base, back to (Y/N). He makes me feel so hot. Every time I'm around him I can feel my face heating up. It's so exhilarating!

I walked back to my room, seeing the gorgeous human sitting on my bed, sleeping. I covered him with the blanket and went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.

I set the glass on the nightstand with a note. 'Hydrate or Diedrate'. I left and watched Jupiter Jim on my phone.

He woke up within an hour or two. "(Y/N)! Guess what?" I asked excitedly, awaiting his reaction. "What, Leon?" I smiled as he used one of my favorite nicknames.

"I burned down (Bully/Name)'s house!" I smiled like a puppy. They looked horrified. "How could you, Leo?! They were a somewhat decent person! They semi-cared about me! They didn't deserve to die!" (Y/N) screamed at me.

"But they were being mean to you, sweetheart. I had to do something, anything to make this rage go away. This wasn't even the worst I could do. I thought about dismembering them and mailing them to their parents in Ohio! I thought you would like this one more." I said sincerely.

"Imma get a drink for you to unravel this, okay HoneyBun?" I walk into the kitchen to get him a glass of water. I put a sleeping pill in his drink. If I can't have him, nobody can.

I handed (Y/N) the water. They chugged it down before flopping onto the floor immediately.


(Y/N) POV:

I woke up, feeling a bit dizzy. The last thing I can remember is Leo telling me they killed (Bully/Name) in cold blood. Leo handed me water and then I passed out.

I tried to itch my leg, but my hands were tied to a metal chair. A figure stepped out of the shadows, sword in hand.

"Hello darling, are you finally awake?" I recognized that voice. "Leo? Why am I strapped to a chair, and why are you slowly walking towards me?"

I heard running footsteps and I closed my eyes, afraid to see Leo like this. He wasn't like this, this wasn't Leo. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I looked down, my stomach had been cut open, my intestines dangling out like string on a table. He looked at me. Leo licked the blood off of his sword. "Sorry, do you want a taste?" Leo asked in a strange voice.

Leo leaned in towards my face. I felt him against my lips. He pinched me making me gasp, giving him access to my mouth. I looked at him in horror and a metallic taste filled my mouth.

While kissing me he had time to tie my intestines into a pretty bow. Leo pulled away from me, intestines in hand. He yanked on my insides.

So this is how I die. I always thought it would be by my hand, so I wasn't as careful as I should have been.


☆That's all folks!☆

Have a lovely day/night my lovelies!♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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