Chapter 11

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Chloe's POV

I sit on Beca's bed and start crying. I get another text from A:

Poor little birdy- A

The door opens and Aubrey is there. "Chloe, I heard." She says. She hugs me as I cry into her shoulder. "Have you heard anything else?" She asks.

"No. But I'm dying to!" I whine. I go on Beca's laptop, I'm her screen saver, and go onto her music thing. I put on a mix and listen to it as I continue to talk to Aubrey. "I can't believe she still loves me after what she heard from my dad and what he did to her."

"Wait, what did your dad say?" she asks. Damn it! I forgot I didn't tell her.

"When I was younger, my dad beat me." I say. She gasps in shock. "And. R-r-"

"Chloe, I get it." she says. "Why didn't you tell me!"

"I didn't know what you'd say!" I yell.

"Chloe, I get it. Just, tell me next time." she says. I nod as the room phone rings. Kimmy Jin answers it.

"It's for you, Chloe" she says as she hands me it, "it's the hospital."

"Hello! Chloe Beale speaking!" I yell into the phone.

"This is Doctor Micheal Jensen. I'm here with the condition of Beca Mitchell." he says.


"Well, since she's here, we're going to give her surgery for her tumor. But, besides that, she has..." he stops to take a breath "she has amnesia. We'll get back to you in 3 hours." he says as he hangs up.

"Well? What did he say!" Aubrey yells.


"She what?"

"She has amnesia!" I gasp as I cry into Beca's pillow.

"That's impossible! She has to remember you! What if she remember Jesse only and forgets you!" she gasps.

"I can only hope Aubrey." I say.

"Only hope? Come on, Chloe! You love her! She loves you!"

"Aubrey, it's my dad's fault." I say.

"I can stop him." she says with a smirk.

"If you can stop my dad from beating up anyone else, go right ahead."

"Alright." she says as she whistles. The Bellas and Treblemakers walk in.

"We're here to help." Benji and Emily says.

"When Aubrey called, we knew it was for the best. But only if you're ok with it." Viktor says. I think and smile.

"Get him." I say as they run out screaming "Bechloe!" I laugh and look on Beca's laptop. There's a bunch of pictures of us. I scroll through all the memories of us. A piece of paper slides through under the door. I open the envelope and see a picture of Beca in her current condition. Blood on her face, black eye, cut nose and cheek. I start crying from the horror. I fall onto the bed and cry into her pillow. I think back on all the times where I could've made a move.


"I think we're going to be really fast friends."

"Well you saw me naked so..."


"Aubrey, she makes us better. We need Beca."


"Aha! You can sing!"

"Dude! I'm naked!"


So many opportunities. None taken. I looked at the clock and realized it had been 3 hours. The phone rang again. "Hello?" I ask.

"Dr. Jensen again. You can come pick her up. I thought I would ask the questions for remembrance with you. And another thing, her cancer is cured." he says.

"That's amazing! Thank you!" I yell as I get in my car. I speed to the hospital where Dr. Jensen is waiting with Beca.

"Ok, let's start. Beca, who am I?" he asks.

"D-Dr. J-Jensen."

"She's still under shock." he whispers. I nod as he continues. "Beca, could you tell me who this is?" She looks at me in confusion.

"Are you my sister?" she asks. I feel like crying really hard.

"N-no. I'm Chloe Beale. Your girl friend." I say.

"No. I have a boyfriend. He came to visit." Damn it Jesse! "His name was, um, oh yeah! Dan Carter."

Viktor's POV

Here we are running through Trinity Way like idiots. Jesse doesn't even hesitate to bust open the door. "Who are you people!" Steve yells.

"The Bechloe Fan-Club!" Benji yells as he punches Steve. We all pounce on top of him and beat the living den' svet out of him. That means daylights.

"Honey! Help me!" he yells as a woman walks in.

"Keep going guys and girls. BECHLOE FOR LIFE!" she yells with a fist in the air. We yell in joy and continue to beat him up. "Alright, thanks. Now go check on Chloe."

"Will do, Mrs. Beale." I say as I run back to Barden. Chloe's in her room, crying. "Chloe? What's wrong."

"D-Dan t-tricked her." she says with major tear stains on her face.


"She thinks he's her boyfriend!" she yells as she cries into her pillow. I step outside where the others wait.

"WELL!" they all yell.

"Dan tricked Beca into thinking her and him are dating." I say in sorrow.

"And? Viktor, save the day!" Aubrey says.

"I can't. I'm a Russian brute for fighting."

"AND for being a gentleman AND for saving the day. We'll help you! Just try Vik!" Aubrey yells.

"Alright. We start tomorrow."

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