Like a dream -Elijah Hewson-

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Elijah Hewson x Adela Fitzgerald (OC)

Adela wakes up quietly surrounded by the sweet smell of freshly washed sheets mixed with the smell of cologne. As she stretches, she notices that she is alone in bed, so the young woman decides to get up and pull on a t-shirt that is lying on the floor. Adela heads into the kitchen to see a scene that makes her smile immediately: her boyfriend trying to make breakfast. Seeing him struggling with the pancake she instantly laughs making him turn around greeting her with one of his smiles that tells you, you are totally under his spell.

"Oh you're awake I wanted to make you a surprise breakfast but I'm having some trouble with the pancakes it looked easier on the video" Elijah laughs and opens his arms for her to curl up in.

"It's okay the vision I just saw deserves all the pancakes in the world" as she says this, Adela nestles her head in her boyfriend's neck to smell his scent that she loves so much.
Elijah strokes the young woman's hair before asking a more serious question

"How are you doing today?" the brunette huffed slightly at the question that reminded her of her situation.

"I feel better than yesterday, that's good news, let's not spoil this wonderful moment and go see if your pancakes are edible". Elijah doesn't insist anymore and gently detaches himself from Adela before putting the breakfast on the table to start his meal with his beloved.

The morning goes smoothly for the two lovers, laughter, jokes and kisses flowing throughout the flat.
This flat is the paradise that Adela and Elijah managed to build not without difficulty but the result was there, they are happy in their dream place.
The day passes in the same atmosphere as the morning, they decided to stay here for the day, wanting to take advantage of these rare moments to find themselves. Indeed, because of the band's numerous tours and Adela's repeated absences, it was becoming increasingly difficult for the couple to get together. So, every moment they spent together they cherished as if it were their last. Yet these moments, this paradise, were cracked during Adela's crises, her head reminding her that she was tired, that she was fighting a war that was already lost.

At the end of the afternoon Elijah tells Adela to get ready because he has a surprise planned. He has decided to take his girlfriend to a restaurant. The restaurant is so luxurious that Adela is both embarrassed and amazed by the place Eli has taken her to. The meal is divine, the food is delicious, and the moment is magical. However, she noticed that Elijah seemed quite nervous. Indeed, she no longer counts the number of times her boyfriend nervously ran his hand through his hair.

At the moment of dessert Elijah takes a deep breath before saying
"Adela from the moment I first saw you I knew my life was going to change...when I saw your short boyish hair and your shifty style, I knew you were going to be my made your mark on my mind with one smile. To tell you the truth I haven't prepared a speech because my brain is so messed up because you occupy so much of my thoughts that I can't make a coherent speech... But I'm sure of several things and that is that John Keats would have written a poem about you, about how perfect you are and how you obsessed his thoughts. Hugo would have written you an essay, Shakespeare a play, Grimm a fairy tale and Elvis Presley a song. But today it is I, Elijah Hewson, who delivers these words of love and sincerity to you. You are a strong, dedicated, honest, selfless, beautiful, learned, funny woman... My heart beats stronger for you every second. You haunt or should I say embellish my thoughts and my days. I can no longer imagine my life without you... I love you so much that I feel as if I have always known you. There is no more beautiful ray of sunshine than you, you are my air in the pollution, the air conditioning in the heat wave. You are the stars that make the night so beautiful, you are the stars that make the moon so beautiful. You are my light, my beacon that guides me through the storm that is life. This lighthouse that I hope will never be extinguished because the number of times you have saved me without knowing it is infinite. You are the heroine of my heart Adela. I could go on for hours because my love is so strong that I could never say enough about you and the love I have for you. But because of the lack of time, I have left I will simply remind you that the definition of love did not exist before I met you, it was you who created it and you who made it real. Without you I am a wreck... you are indispensable to me. So today, I, Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q Hewson ask you, Adela Clara Isabella Fitzgerald to make me the happiest of men by agreeing to become my wife", following his request Elijah gets up and kneels taking out of his pocket a beautiful box containing a sumptuous ring. Adela takes a while to answer, not being able to realize what has just happened, leaving Elijah in a state of immeasurable stress.

"Yes, I want to make you the happiest man in the world" at her words the brunet relaxes and stands up to slip the ring on her finger before coming to kiss her with tenderness and love.

The evening ended for the two lovers in apotheosis.
As she lay down Adela said to herself that it was like a dream, so unreal it seemed to have become reality. 

When Adela falls asleep tired, Elijah whispers these words to her

"You know I don't blame you for leaving, you've fought so hard against this fucking disease, you've suffered so much, you've struggled for so long knowing that your fate is sealed. Today you've made me the happiest man, the happiest fiancé, but I can't deny it...I know we'll never have our wedding...Just today you've endured so much this day between your seizures, your blackouts and your forgetfulness...I know...I feel like the words I'm saying are probably the last ones you're going to hear...the doctors warned me that you only had a few months to live... but I was a fool, I was in denial, I refused to believe that my indispensable was going to go away without me being able to do anything...I refused to see my lighthouse go out because I'm going to be a wreck...but I know that in saying that I was selfish because I wasn't thinking of you and the hell you live every yes tonight I'm telling you no without fear for the future. ... but relax everything will be fine, you have the right to let go... you've fought hard enough, we're all proud of you... and we'll meet again in the afterlife of course you'll have to wait but I promise you we'll have our happy ending... Know that even if you're not eternal my love for you is... I love you Adela Fitzgerald we'll meet again soon among the stars my heart... have a good trip". 

However, what Adela heard that evening was only the untimely beeping of the machine... He was not there to say those words she had dreamed of hearing...It was indeed a was unreal, it was just a hallucination... The light inside her was going out, she was becoming a star, she was going up to heaven. Her tumour had spread to her entire brain imprisoning her in a cage filled with hallucinations, she thought she was dying loved by the man she secretly loved but the reality was much darker...She was going to heaven young and one was there for friends... no boyfriend... Just her and her imagination that drew a last smile, a tear of joy, a sigh of relief she would not die alone...In the night the light of her lighthouse went out forever, the most beautiful ray of sunshine gone...But the most beautiful angel arrived in heaven greeted by the same smell of freshly laundered sheets and cologne she had imagined in the most beautiful of her dreams.
However Elijah never kept his promise...she would never see him in the afterlife because it was all a dream and it was at that moment when all hope was dashed that she cried for the first time since her death...she had missed it all...she had died alone with no one to mourn her passing...So even in heaven the most beautiful angel remained forever unhappy waiting in vain for the love she never knew...

Words: 1476


I hope you enjoyed this first picture, it's not a happy one but I enjoyed writing it. Please let me know if I have made any mistakes in English and I apologise in advance. I had a lot of trouble writing in English but I feel that it comes out well even if I find the text less poignant than in French. And I hope that next time my imagine will be longer because I find it quite short, I will try to improve for the next one.

Thanks again for taking the time to read it!

P.S: I take requests if you have any my messages are open (not only for requests by the way I love talking in general so don't hesitate)



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