The Interview -Robert Keating-

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Robert Keating x Edith (OC)

Edith quietly rereads her sheets one last time before welcoming the group she was to interview. The young woman was euphoric about having an interview with Inhaler, and had even forced the hand of her superior to be the person in charge of the article. The journalist sat them down and explained how the interview was to be conducted, reassuring them about the many different aspects of the interview. While she was explaining, the band's bassist was immediately captivated by the young woman's enthusiasm, but also by her lightness, which was unusual compared to the other people who had interviewed them. He was pleased to see that she was passionate about what she was doing and that she was interested in the music they were producing. After several minutes of preparation, the interview began. The questions were all very pertinent and well researched, and the group could easily see that she had prepared their meeting with care. Throughout the interview Robert was discreet, answering very few questions, which surprised his friends who knew him to be a talkative man. He was more busy analysing and glancing at the woman than listening to the questions and answers coming from all sides. However, the few times he answered, he tried to make Edith react, either by saying something funny or by saying something committed and thoughtful. So, there was a desire to please and attract the attention of the young journalist.
Unfortunately for her, time seemed to pass too quickly, and the interview came to an end. At the end, she thanked the group for being present and for having been perfect during the interview, while they also thanked her for her professionalism and friendliness. Before leaving, she reminded them that she would send the draft of the article for the group to validate before she sent it to the editors, a gesture they appreciated.

After that, the group quietly went to a pub to quench their thirst while discussing their afternoon with the young woman. Elijah was pleased that at no point did she mention his father in any way, while Josh and Ryan praised the questions, which they found original yet relevant. However, Bobby was still deep in thought, listening with only one ear, so Ryan and Eli decided to tease the bassist by imitating his behaviour during the interview.

"Of course we can say that music is close to literature, but we can't say that we're men of letters. In fact, there are two ideas that link literature and music: we're talking about a parallelism or we're talking about a fusion. What's more, to back up what I'm saying, Debussy said that music begins where the spoken word is powerless. And I tend to agree with this concept of parallelism, because you don't construct music in the same way as you construct a text". Repeating the words Rob used during the interview, Ryan pretends to be smoking a pipe to give himself the air of a doctoral student.

"Yes, I'm Bobby and I've got a thesis in literature, but I've never read a complete book in my life and I'm only doing this to impress your pretty face, Miss", Eli makes a face that is meant to be seductive, mocking Rob. The latter reacts directly, not wanting to be teased for years about that afternoon.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's just that you're jealous of my answer, which is totally relevant and above what you would have answered. The whole group laughed at Rob's bad faith, knowing that he'd had a small crush on Edith.

A few days later the guys finally received the draft of the article, and they were immediately won over by what she had written. However, Ryan and Eli had an idea in mind and decided to say that they needed her number so that they could talk about the article more easily than by email. Edith didn't ask any more questions and gave her number in the next email, wanting to sort out this "problem" with her work. The two friends fixed a date with her for dinner and to discuss the article at the same time. They told the bassist that the next day they were all going to eat at a restaurant as it was an important meeting, thus justifying Elijah's obligation to wear something formal. The next day Bobby arrived at the restaurant well dressed and on time, which was quite rare for him. He looked around and frowned when he didn't see any of his colleagues in the restaurant. He waited several minutes before seeing Edith enter and froze, realising immediately what Ryan and Eli had done.

"Hello Robert, I've just received a message from Ryan saying that they're unwell and that you're the only one who's up and about...I hope it's not too serious" Edith looked worried, thinking it must be serious enough to cancel her visit a few minutes before dinner.

"Don't worry, they've only got food poisoning because they ate something that wasn't fresh, but they're fine, it's just that they're in no fit state to move" Bob took an excuse that might be credible in the eyes of the young woman.

"Oh right, it's really bad luck, he also said in his message that the table was reserved in Elijah's name" Bobby then went to reception and said that they had reserved a table in Hewson's name. The receptionist pointed to the free table, and the two young people sat down at it. Edith and Bobby looked at each other blankly, leaving an awkward silence around the table. The brunette decided to break the silence by talking about the article.

"So, if we're here, it's because there are things in the article that need to be changed. Could you tell me what they are so I can change them as soon as I get home? "The young man with the Persian eyes was panicking, not knowing what to say because he'd only read her work once and hadn't found any problems, so he decided to be honest.

" To tell you the truth, I'd only read it once, and personally, I hadn't found any problems. On the contrary, I thought it was well written, and the part analysing one of our songs was very relevant because you didn't over-interpret it. What's more, the guys didn't give me any comments to pass on to you, so I can't help you with that," the journalist grimaced at the news, knowing that she had to hand in the article by tomorrow evening at the latest.

"Well... in that case, I'll ask them to send me their comments by message this evening... so I suppose we can have a quiet dinner without talking about work if you like. But I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't feel like it, we can leave each other alone, that's not a problem either."

"No, don't worry, I'm happy to have dinner with you", this sentence marked the beginning of a fabulous dinner. The food was exquisite, the atmosphere fabulous, the moment divine. All the reasons were there for them to extend the evening. And that's what they did, they went to the cinema to see the latest comedy, and they came out laughing their heads off and with tears in their eyes because the film was ridiculous both in its jokes and in the way it was produced. By the time the two young people had recovered from the film, it was time for them to say goodbye. But it wasn't goodbye - on the contrary, it was the start of a long series of dates.



Hi !

Sorry for the long wait, I've had a bit of an inspiration breakdown, and with the stress of my end-of-year results, I haven't had the strength to continue with this imagine. It's also basic, but that's because I'm preparing an imagine that's going to be harder to read and write, so I'll spare you the lighter ones. The next one will probably be about Josh or Elijah (I'm still hesitating).

By the way, if you have any requests, come and see me, I'd be delighted to do it, and don't hesitate to tell me if there's the slightest mistake in this imagine.

Thank you for reading,



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