It wasn't our time yet

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My vision stayed white, but I could feel burnt leaves under my fur. What had just happened? I thought I had died.

"Hello?" said a male voice.

"Hi," I muttered back. I could barely speak, and I couldn't see.

"I'm Hurricane, and I'm from the Brightfields," he said.

I tried to speak, but all that came out was a raspy, "I was dead...?"

"We decided to give you another chance," Hurricane said, "you have young pups to care for. It isn't your time yet."

Suddenly, my vision went black. Now I couldn't only feel leaves, but I could feel my body, and I could hear leaves, and... sobbing?

"Bandit, please wake up..."

Jasmine! I forced my weak eyes open. But then, I realized, one of my eyes was blind.

"Jasmine? You're alive?" I asked.

We both sat up and looked each other in the eyes."He said it wasn't our time," we said at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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