The Bright's Law

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(Subject to change)

The main Bright's Law, the most known by all pack-members, is "fight together, not each other." Fighting was just found to make things much worse- and unneeded.

Well, the Leaders and pack members learn the full Bright's Law. These are the other rules:

1. The Law against Discrimination. As a higher rank or power, you may not discriminate/harass a mongoose from harmlessly being themselves. Examples are; Leader/Secondary vs. Anyone, Mentor vs Trainee, etc. The term "half-pack" was banished by Amber Flamerise, the third Leaf-pack leader.

2. The Law against unnecessary exile. Exiling a mongoose from having a mate from a other pack has happened several times, unnecessarily. This law was put in place very soon after.

3. The Law against pup neglect. Pups are protected at all costs. They don't understand the world as much, and are much more likely to get into danger. Be nice and reasonable to pups- and give them a respectful and learning lecture if they do something wrong.

4. The Law against homophobia/transphobia. Some mongooses will feel like a different gender, or mate with the same gender. It will happen, and is harmless. The rumor of getting into the Darkplace because of it simply isn't true. It is just a mere myth, the Brightfields accepts everyone who has good intentions and who believes. (This was added in book 9.)

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