Chapter 5: Sleeping Arrangements

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After the recreational time, they begin directing us to our rooms. I'm introduced to my roommate, a man named Jefferson. He's skinny, sickly, black hair, brown eyes, his mouth seems to just sit there hanging open, as though he wants to start a fly collection. The nurse informs me he's one of their longest standing patients, she says "We put new comers in a room with older patients because they have been on medication longer, and won't influence the new patients as much." She tells me if I'm here for a while, I'll be moved into a different room. She walks away. I look at my new roommate, "So Jefferson, been here a while?" He nods his head, drule falling from his lip to his shirt. "Is it as bad as it looks? I ask him. He nods again. The nurse has walked far enough now that I stop hearing her footsteps, and just as the noise ceases, Jefferson grabs me by my shirt and pulls me in. He begins to whisper in babbling sentences, "Don't ttttrubst em vey know guts ccccomring. hey ddddont wanna ussssssssssss to knowb da da da trupth." He coughs and vomits up spittle and a dark purplish liquid. Then he speaks again "ma ma ma mark ma high wordsssss da vis vissioms ah righd" It takes me a moment to try to repeat him in my mind, and figure out the sentences but when I have it I whisper them back. "Don't trust them they know what's coming?" He nods."They don't want us to know the truth?" Another nod."Mark my words, and the visions are right?" He claps nodding, "Wait has everyone here had the visions?" He nods again before coughing some more and possibly crying.

"I have to get out of this place." I think to myself."I need to warn people, but that's stupid. Who would even believe me?... What would i even say?...FUCK!...What should I do?" I sit and debate with myself over my lack of options until my exhaustion takes over and sleep covers me like a blanket. "Troubling, isn't it?" The dream voice says with a chuckle. "Who the hell are you! I scream out. "Humans are so stupid." He says with a scoff, then continues."Tell me Thomas, how is it with everything going on? You still think your top concern is simply my name? It makes no difference what you call me, and I'm likely to never tell you because you've made it more fun for me not to. For the best parallel to your world I could give you on what I am, I would have to say I'm kind of a hacker of sorts. But instead of computers, I hack into lesser beings' minds. I'm quite good at it, too. Many from my world are cappapable of this, and they use it for their own foolish reasons. Me no, I found another world with beings, even I can't hack strong, powerful looking to take over your little bitty world. They want slaves, I want them to fail... don't get me wrong, I don't care about you people. This is only for bragging rights. Oh, by the way, don't take the medicine they give you. Ones designed to dull you and make you more susceptible to them, the other is, well, it's to fight me off. I've finally reached enough people to make their rations of these drugs dwindle enough for a full conversation, but trust me, when the rest of their people arrive, they will bring more with them. Any whozits it's about time that they wake you up, until next time kid."

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