From Above Pt. 1

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Small disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice, I just own my OC version of Darkfire/Ryand'r and his plot.

This takes place a week after episode 3 and three weeks before episode 4.

In the far outer reaches of space, a rather unpleasant looking red spaceship is cruising through the silence of space.

Inside the ship, two blue winged reptilian humanoids with long tails and red eyes, march into a corridor until they came to a closed steel door, where the sounds of rage filled yells and pounding were coming from.

Coming closer to the door, the aliens armed their long spears at the ready just as the yelling and pounding stopped.

"Do you think the door will hold?" Alien 1 asked the other.

"It must!" Alien 2 exclaimed just as the yelling and banging started up again.

"The alien will be delivered on schedule. Lord Trogaar has commanded it," another reptilian alien said as he and two others came into the corridor. "It shall be delivered to the Psions for further experimentation."

"What if it gets loose?" Alien 2 questioned.

"Then Zorg help us all," Alien 3 said.

Another yell and the sound of metal bending broke all the aliens out of their thoughts as they faced the steel door that had a slight indent in it now. Looking into the small glass window, the aliens saw nothing until two burning green eyes came into view.

All five aliens took a few steps back and braced themselves because with a final yell, the steel door flew off its hinges and into the deck.

The stunned guards focused on the figure that was walking out of the dark room as its burning green eyes blazed up again.

The figure was that of a teenage boy with orange skin, red hair that was in braids, glowing green eyes, and dark clothes with metal armor attached.

The most notable thing on this boy was the thick, rigid cuffs that encased his hands and forearms and the murderous look on his face.

"Zengtha ru maka! Kek zengtha ror!" The boy yells as he attacks the five aliens.

On Earth

A week after the Mr. Twister incident, the team was in the cave hanging out.

"Well, no missions yet, so what do you guys want to do today?" Wally West, aka Kid Flash, asked the others.

"Hello Megan! We should check out Happy Harbor. We didn't get the chance when Mr. Twister's attack happened," M'gann M'orzz, aka Miss Martian, said.

The others thought over the idea for a while and saw no harm in just checking out the city. They all headed to the hangar and entered the BioShip.

Once the BioShip left the cave, M'gann put it in camouflage mode, and they flew above Happy Harbor, taking in the sights.

"Happy Harbor is pretty nice," said M'gann, taking in the beauty of the small municipality.

"Yeah, it sure is," said Wally as he looked at M'gann.

Robin rolled his eyes behind his dark shades and was about to say something when a fiery object shot  past the BioShip, causing it to spiral, and crashed into the center of Happy Harbor

"What was that?" Questioned Aqualad, aka Kaldur'ahm or Kaldur, once the ship was back under control.

"I don't know, but it's in the center of town, and people are starting to gather around," said Superboy, as he looked at the area where the object crashed.

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