Part four

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She narrowed her eyes at me, and for a while we could only stare at each other. Then she lifted her arm up to my face and laid her hand palm up to my forehead.
"No fever." An other calculated look was shot my way. "When did you grow up this much?"
While it did sound like a question she obviously didn't expect an answer, she turned away. "Then, my dear, go great our guest."
After waiting a moment to collect my thoughts I continued the trip to the foyer. Skipping down the stairs the small smile threatened to make its way back on my face, but that wouldn't do. A plan was a plan. And my role was to be unassuming, until the very end.
A man was sitting on the sofa. A cup of tea in his hands and some sweets on the table in front of him. Expensive clothing, delicate hands, definitely a nobleman.
I channeled my best impression of my enquête teacher and sat down across from him. All graceful moves and a subtitle bow to welcome him.
"Welcome to the house Lawrens, what do we owe the pleasure to have you here today?"
"Could I have your name first young lady?" He lowered his teacup back to the saucer.
"But of course, I apologize for my rudeness. My name is Marianne."
"Marianne." He repeated. "Marianne Lawrens, would it be not? Daughter of Lady Ester and the late Lord Harold. And of course, sister to Lord Henry." He smiled at me, joy not reaching his eyes. "I think you know what I'm here for, don't you."
Tick parchment made its way on the table. Golden ink decorating the edges of the envelope.
I couldn't resist. Innocent expression plastered firmly on my face, I stroked the sides of the letter. The letter of which only five existed.
I liked this noble.
"What do you mean?"

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