Part six

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My footsteps echoed trough the hall. The torches hanging on the wall flikkering in time with my breathing. Shadows following my path and darkness closing in behind me.
It had been some time since I had last visited, but I still knew every stone and scratch on the way.
Water was dripping from the wall and the scent of mold was penetrating my senses. No, if I could avoid it I wouldn't have come here at all. But needs have must.
The door before me was weathered with age. Wood creaking and metal rusting. Much older than one would expect, as the cellar was only build last year.
I pushed the latch open and opened the door. Cold blue eyes met my own and a shiver went down my spine.
That our cellar had only existed for a year didn't mean that there had been something else. Something to work towards, something to get in our grasp. The cellar only being here recently proved nothing. It didn't mean this specific room hadn't existed for centuries before that. It didn't mean that this creature was as young as it looked.
Thin arms, pale face, iron shackles. Bright blue eyes and a seemingly innocent expression.
"The plan is moving faster than expected."
The face before me split in a grin too wide to look natural.
Nothing was natural about this creature.

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