Part twelve

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Abyss, a place where even light can't escape from. Where creatures reside you can't even think of. A thing so dark and deep you wish you had never heard of it.

That was the place everything came together. On the edge of downfall. On the edge of what could only be called death.

Worse than death. Endless nothingness. Where sleep can't find you and nightmares are your companions in the land of the waking.

We stood there. Me and Lisa. Staring into the darkness. Eyes refusing to wander somewhere, anywhere, else. The screams from beneath are still echoing in my ears, even now, almost a year later. Begging for a sacrifice.

Underneath the apple trees a plan was made. Inside the tall gate surrounded by apple blossoms, where none could see, a pact was forged. Under the sour apples a single tear rolled down a face.

Lisa fell into the abyss, too scared to jump.

I pushed Lisa into the abyss.

The sacrifice was made.

I could still hear her scream.

Mist of inventionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora