Wilted Flowers 😭

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Tw: death, implied fighting, blood

Faster, faster, faster, faster Scott's mind was racing as he sprinted to the desert jumping over logs and ducking behind branches.

He needed to get back there, he needed to protect Jimmy.

He tripped on a root but that didn't stop him he was determined to protect his husband. Even if it killed him.

As long as Jimmy survived he would be fine with dying.

Unfortunately though that was not the case.

Scott spotted both his and Grian's bodies, but that wasn't the thing that made his heart truly stop. That wasn't the thing that made his blood freeze over.

No. The thing that Scott saw, was the body of Jimmy.

Unlike him and Grian, Jimmy was on his last life, and Scott rushed over tears falling down his face towards his husband.

"Sc-Scott?..." Jimmy murmured, still alive, but barely, "Jimmy" Scott said out of breath, "i-it's ok, w-we're going to get you some help, I-I promise."

"i-it's alright" Jimmy said, "J-Jimmy please st-stay with me!" "Stay with us bud" Grian said approaching the two husbands.

Jimmy started to cry as well and he looked at Scott with pleading eyes, "p-please sur-surviv-"

Jimmy started coughing up blood.

"No, no, no. Jimmy please don't die!" Scott sobbed.

But it was too late, Scott had lost everything, and it was all The Red Kings fault. His men and shot Jimmy and killed both him and Grian.

His men had terrorized everyone to the point of no return.

It was all The Red Kings fault.

Jimmy's death was on The Red King, and he would do everything in his power to take him down.

Even if it killed him.

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