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After the incident in the laboratory, (Y/N) was on a run. She was wearing a full sleeve orange shirt that came till her mid thigh, and a white coat which was her knees length.She was feeling tired, weak and hungry after a long time of being on escape, who knows how much time has passed... one... two... or three days or maybe even a week.

SCP0892 was the file's name that she was carrying, while walking on a road in the middle of nowhere. Her eyes were really heavy and they needed rest.

But before she could blackout she saw two flashlights pointing her way, and they were coming really fast towards her.'Oh nononono... they could be the guards searching for me... I need to run, I can't just let them catch me' were her thoughts.

She tried to turn around and run but because of the headache she couldn't see straight and she tripped over something. Her head hit a rock really hard that made her see a flash of light, before completely blacking out.

Inside the Limo

Inside the limo there was a girl and 6 brothers who were arguing like always. It started by the redhead who wanted to bite the poor girl but was stopped by a man who was reading a book.

After a long fight they were stopped by an auburn head, that while he was looking outside the window, he noticed that there was a girl lying on the ground unconscious and said to the others "⁓Hey if you would stop fighting and look outside you will notice that there's a cute little girl there on the ground unconscious. Reiji, can we pick her up and take her home?... and she also looks sexy. Who knows, maybe her voice is more beautiful than her, just the thought of hearing her...⁓".

"Ok, nobody asked to listen to your thoughts, just stop the limo and let's go check her" said the albino.

The limo stopped and the first one to get out was a raven haired man wearing glasses, and he went to check on the girl while the others were getting out except for the blonde girl.

He bent down next to her, he noticed she was holding a file tightly on her chest and he slowly removed it.

He then took her wrist and checked how she was doing. "She's very cold, but her heart is beating, so we might be able to save her life. Ayato pick her up and take her inside the limo, we'll take her to the mansion, I'll see what I can do to cure her and please do not harm her or do anything stupid." And with that the redhead picked the girl and took her inside the limo.

Before returning the man picked the file with 'SCP0892' written on it. "Interesting..." was what he said before he went back inside the limo and joined the others.


Heyyy there!!! So for my beloved R/N, I know that this part short, but I promise that I'll write more!

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