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At the mansion

When they returned, the first thing they did was take Y/N to a room and the raven head went to his lab to make a potion for her.

After he finished he took it to Y/n room and poured it in her mouth, and he said "It can take her up to one hour to wake up, and I have work to do, so Laito and Kanato you two will stay here, don't think about doing anything stupid, and when she'll wake up call me." he said while looking at the auburn head and the purple head boy holding a teddy bear

"The others are dismissed and can go and do whatever they want..." He said while turning to the others and then he walked out of the room. 

The first thing the redhead did after his brother left was ordering the blonde girl to make takoyaki and pulled her by her wrist out of the room and towards the kitchen. The blonde man in the corner said "...Too noisy..." and teleported away. The albino said "Whatever" before leaving like his brother.

The two brothers and the bear were left alone in the room with Y/N. The purple head started to talk with his teddy "Teddy, do you wanna make a bet on why this girl was there, unconscious on the road?", no sound came from the toy but, for the boy it was like it was talking to him.

"Well even I thought the same Teddy, that she might be on a runaway from someplace far from here... what about you Laito?" 

The fedora wearing man answered without removing his gaze from you "⁓Well I don't care about her backstory that much... But you've asked me, and I've noticed some burns and cuts on her body, so from wherever she ran away, it must have been really hard living there, so I think she made the right choice⁓".

Well yes, Y/N lots of bruises, scars, cuts, burns, which she got from the laboratory...

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