#7 - Taking care of love ones (Yandere Storyfell/Shiftfell Chara) [Requested]

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This was requested by Fr1edWe1rd0
Also sorry if this is trashy, I did try to give it my all. But other than that I hope you like it! =]

Yandere Storyfell/Shiftfell gender neutral Chara x female reader
(Y/n) = Your name
A/n = Authors notes

"No! Please! I'll do my job right!" You yelled in tears as you felt the blue strings tighten around your whole body.

The change kept increasing, to the point it was unbearable. You bit your bottom lip as tears rolled down your cheeks. Just then a string started tightening around your neck. This started making you choke and gag for air.

"Stop! I'll do my job right, I know a place! I know a place! Let me prove myself!" You yelled as you gave a nervous smile.

"Hm.. Fine then," Just then the strange dropped you onto the ground as you coughed and tried to breathe in the air. "I'll let you live, but someone will 'take care of you'."

But, before you had any chance to react a whole was underneath you. Making you fall in as you cried for help.

"UGH-", You said, as you looked up face first into the snow.

You knew this was Snowdin judging by the snow on the ground. Well not snowed in yet. As you stood up trying to process yourself together. You heard a noise. You thought Sans was going to meet you so you quickly walked away, any type of Sans remind you of him.

"Error, you bastard..." You said under your breath.

It was his fault you were here. At this point you didn't even know anymore. Maybe it was yours. You were really deep in thought it was to the point you tripped on a rock. This really couldn't get any worse.

More tears fell down your face as you rethought about your life decisions. You wanted to prove yourself worthy scent everyone thought you were a helpless girl so you went and fell down mountain e-bot but you felt miserably to do something evil you even one time burn someone's house to prove something but no one believe you and now here you were.

Suddenly you felt your heart slam against your chest, just before you suddenly flew up and turn around. You didn't even move! But before you knew it you were face to face with a kid, they looked around you age. 15 maybe?

But the silence broke when they did something. They grabbed your arm as they looked at it and said, "You must be the human Sans was talking about."

Just then they but your arm making you yelp in pain. However they just looked back at you with a smug expression on their face. Just then the magic Aura stopped and you plopped to the ground again.

"What the fuck!" You yelled as you slapped the human across the face.

You took a look at them. They looked like Chara from Underfell and Storyshift. Then it hit you. It was a combined Au.

"Let me show you around (Y/n)~." Chara said as they kissed your right hand.

"Fuck off my space, bitch." You said in a venomous tone as you retreated your hand in a hurry. You then walked away as you shot the middle finger up high for Chara to see.

But, that didn't stop Chara. Not even on the 5th step they were already next to you. You just groaned in annoyance as they forcefully grabbed your hand and started dragging you away. They showed you everywhere but the CORE. Which was strange. But everytime you tried to escape from Chara you would be wrapped around vines, sometimes with thrones as well.

Eventually, you were in a hell of a ride.

"Come here I have something to show you!" Chara yelled happily as they dragged you to their room.

Knowing what was going to happen if you didn't obeyed, you just followed them. But as soon as you came into their room, everything around you just stopped. Chara's whole room, was filled with photos of you. Even a little shrine. You just stood there frozen. You were petrified.

"Do you like it (Y/n)? I do! And I love you very much!" Chara said as they put their hands on your shoulders.

Just then you pushed Chara out of the way and ran towards the door. However the door wouldn't budge at all. But you didn't care, you still kept trying. Is that why they gave you all of that affection? Sans was wanting you to lose your shit! Thoughts swirled your mind. But the stopped when Chara pounced on you.

"And! Where do you think you're going?! Hm? I never said you could leave!" Chara yelled at you as you flinch.

But you still didn't give up you kept struggling. Just then Chara bit you in the neck as one hand held you by your waist, while the other hand touched your shoulder. But as you struggled Chara got impatient.

"You made me do this (Y/n)!" Chara yelled as they add pressure on your neck making you pass out like a light.

As you passed out Chara snuggled into your shoulder, like you were a big fluffy teddy bear. As they did this they whispered mine over and over again.
A/n aka Authors notes

Okay sorry if this was garbage or trash but I hoped you liked it =]

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