chapter 4

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I don’t know if this will ever be read or not. My name is Gaia, not to be mistaken for the titan mother earth as I am a simple Hexie lost on her own. I found my way to this city after my colony had been destroyed by the humans. I can only hope that this city is more accepting of my kind, as I have learned that humans are not to be trusted. There are only a few humans that I have ever met that are accepting of our species. Most seem to think giant bees like us. I managed to save a few of the eggs, but I failed my hive, and I was unable to do my job as a royal Hexie and I could not save the remaining little princess. I am alone and I am a failure. I can only hope I can find a place for the few eggs left from my home. I do not feel that I would be a desirable choice to raise my sisters. There is a small home near where I have stayed for the last few weeks. I believe her name was Eona. I may go there and see I she would accept what remains of my family. I know my time is ending.

I suffered a bit too much damage trying to save the ones I could, and I have lost my wings while attempting to save the princess. The queen was nowhere near her, and she was in worse damage then I was. If I could have traded my life in her place I would have done so in a heartbeat. I hope my failure to save them will not extend to the eggs. Tomorrow I will talk to them. To whoever might find this scroll, know that the children that I hold in these eggs are the last of our family. Perhaps if Eona will not take them I might be able to place them in a suspended animation until someone can hatch them and care for them.

I hope whoever is reading this will cherish my final wish for what remains of a once great hive. I have placed a small note with the queen’s name and please if possible I wish for the reader to travel to the location I placed and bury my family if the hive still at least partly stands. I have also included the password to the door. You will have my eternal thanks as I know I will not survive past this week.

Circa 4501

I sat holding the sleeping child and just staring at what I had read. This Hexie was of a pure line. I would ask ember if we could return and if they would wait for me to swim to the house and search it for the eggs that might be animate suspicion in one of the rooms there. If they were there I needed to respect her last wishes and we would send for a team to travel with us to the hive and see if her family was there. I realized the water would preserve quite a bit, but I had the password and the location, and the woman requested as she knew she would never have a chance to bury them. If anything, I would travel alone and fulfill her last wishes. 

I stored the small scroll in my pack beside Eona’s scrolls and the letters to the little jorogumo kids. I still had not finished the first scroll that I had found, I would read it later but there were a lot to go through that would most likely hold quite a few of Eona’s family symbol in the wax that sealed them. Ember joined us and was wary of the couple, but I told her the offer they made, and I also showed her the letter from the Hexie. She was a queen herself, but she had no actual hive to call her own. If the eggs were waiting for us we need to claim them and allow the last wishes of the writer to be filled. She agreed without hesitance that we could go back, and she would watch the little ones while I searched for the eggs. We would first meet with their elders than we would see if we could get the eggs. I mentioned the hive, but we will need a full team to help which she agreed to as well. 

The next morning when we woke, the little ones and the elder were waiting for us. There was a lot that I wanted to know but ember figured that we should move them to the east wing where she had already had a team building the habitat for them. The elders agree to what ember had started and we brought a team to help move them all. It would take a few hours for them to come so we sat and talked about their species and how they managed to seal the building before the water had fully hit. 

The doors were sealed using coals that they had cooled down and placed after adding a water solvent that the little ones create when they grow. It was enough to hermetically seal the doors and windows and make sure the salt water was unable to get in any cracks that might have been left. Once that was done and the power failed in the surrounding buildings, the elders had no choice but to combine the different groups that had been living in the building on the different floors. As they grew in number the upper floors became areas for food and sleeping. 

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