chapter 6

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Circa 2109

A stranger came to us today. She was in dire need of help; however I turned the help away. I had no choice as there is nothing I can do in order to help her. Saerinia is helping her settle in a room near Samantha. I feel that since we will soon lose our daughter as well, we can only make her feel loved. She is a pure Hexie. A species that I have not seen in an exceedingly long time. She came to us struggling and barely able to stand. There is extreme damage to every part of her and after hearing what happened to her hive and her queen and sisters, we couldn’t go without at least making her comfortable for her last days. Samantha has taken a liking to her and has gone off somewhere with the eggs she carried. She told us that she had a way to preserve the eggs until one that could hatch them would come. Gaia as her name is, feels like a failure due to not being able to protect her family from a human attack. I have given her a few of our scrolls in case she wished to write anything down about her life or any of that. 

The days seem colder as we still have not figured out the so-called disaster that will destroy the city. Everyone at this point knows that something will happen now. There is no separate blocks or groups anymore. Most everyone has come together and blended into one family tribe.

We have begun to extend our home. We are getting more and more species coming to us but Gaia by far is one of my favorites. I do not like the fact that we cannot help her. She is by far one of the sweetest Hexie queens I have ever met. I have already told saerinia that I want to give her a spot in our cemetery and give her the honor that she deserves even with her failure to help her mother which I feel shouldn’t affect her in afterlife that the Hexie believe in. the three small ones, I realize I will never see in this life, I can only hope that Samantha’s containers will last through the ages until a worthy person comes along or finds them. I know that will most likely happen long after whatever awaits us from my mother’s warning. 

I have been having a lot of nightmares the last couple of nights. I have seen how our deaths come and I can only hope to be reunited when that happens. 

Gaia has been fading quicker than we expected. She has been writing a few letters as well and sealing them with a type of wax the Hexie make for their honeycomb. She has placed three with the eggs. The bottoms of the containers each have a small pocket Samantha designed at her request. I say farewell to the little ones I assume if they are ever able to be born into this world. 

I often think how this city will look when that day comes. What will the little ones be born into? Will Ember still be here if that happens to give the children their heritage? I guess that will be one thing that I will never know as I have seen that my family will not live that long. To my family if any that happen to find these scrolls, I hope you will keep us alive as least in your hearts and know that we have done everything we can in these ending times to protect as many as we can and are able too. 

Circa 4501

Reading this made me wonder at how she would have known her death and still carry it out protecting the little ones. Did she change the outcome, yet see another child that needed help? After reading the note the jorogumo left that had saved their little ones in watching how Eona died, it makes me wonder if that was the case. It is often said that one will do anything to change the outcome of their death if they foresee what is coming. I keep thinking of how we found her and her wife huddled over the little ones trying and failing to save them. The image is burned in my mind seeing them like that and knowing that they did all they could in order to save as many as they could. 

I shook the memory of seeing them and having to bury them to knowing that they had been reunited with their daughter and were a family again. I could still see the pain on Ember and still knew that she would be mourning her family. It was finally time to leave for the hive. I made a vow when I read Gaia’s final words that I would give her soul closure and bury her family. I decided that when we have laid her family to rest, I would request from Ember to exhume Gaia and lay her to rest alongside her mother and sisters. I would be headed towards the queen’s chamber once we get there. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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