chapter 5

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circa 2110

It has been about a year now since my mother told Samantha about an event that would destroy the city. We have a full home now, ryberzarias, Hexie, our fyramercha and jorogumo. I believe this will be a better life for however long we have left. Our family has grown quite a lot since we found the little one and our friends joined us. I thought that having more around would ruin what me and Saerinia had built but it has brought quite a lot of joy to our lives to help the species that have come and the orphans as well. 

We had a lot of orphans somehow make their way to us. Saerinia begged me to consider bringing them in. She is such a softie when it comes to children, I have no issue with that. All these different species helps me better understand the wild areas outside the city across the water. Samantha wishes to go out again and I have allowed her a few times with some of the jorogumo. Her health isn’t doing well these days and I fear for her safety sometime, but I know the spider folk will always make sure she is safe. I do not believe that she will live much longer. I don’t have the heart to tell Saeveena the little one is so attached to Samantha that I think it would kill her if she lost her best friend. I fear there might not be a way to get around it. 

Saerinia knows it as much as I do that we might soon lose our daughter. I realize that we will still have ember, but nothing and nobody will be able to replace our first daughter. She will always be a part of us. We have to pay extra attention to her I think from now on. We both knew this would happen sooner or later, but I believe that we were hoping it would be for another twenty or thirty years. Mutations like she has always resulted in the same way. I will be going to get an incredibly special stone for her tomorrow. I have already made sure that saerinia takes her to some of her favorite places while I get what we need to make sure that she is happy once she joins her grandmother. Ember has sensed it as well; I have noticed a ridiculously huge change in her. I believe that she senses that she doesn’t have much time left with her sister. They have done quite a lot together over the last few days as well to the point we have had to pull them apart from whatever they were doing at the point just to make sure they ate something. I have a feeling that if somehow ember survives whatever will hit us, that she will continue whatever Samantha leaves behind. For now however, we need to not think about what is to come and think about how we can make our daughter’s final days the brightest that we can. The only thing that is setting us back is how Saeveena will handle things, but I suppose that will have to come whenever it does. 

Saeveena has spent all her life with Samantha. Since the moment we found her, the two have been inseparable. She is growing alongside Samantha which is odd for a jorogumo. I feel that she has tied herself to Samantha on a deeper level than any of us will ever understand. I will have to talk to our friends about this.

Circa 4509

To see that Eona genuinely cared for her daughter, showed me that there was so much more to them then we could ever think. I watch the little ones and how much they adore their parents and I know I will never be able to have something like that. But I have my little fyramercha. I have finally decided on a name for her. I hope that ember will know why I chose it, but I chose Saereena. I suppose she is as much like a daughter to me than anything that I will ever get. I am perfectly fine with that fact as well, since I am not one that would actively look for a partner. 

The little bees will be the first of Ember’s hive most likely. Even if the city rises back from the depths and we begin to rebuild. I still believe the box in the center of the ruins holds the key to Atlantis rising and once again seeing the light and feeling the heat of the planet once more. One of the rooms in the laboratory wing has become a hive. I watched as ember formed the walls and beds for the little ones as well as made it near a complete hive room as possible. Once more join us, if we find more that is, we will use one of the older buildings and for it into a true hive complete with the correct rooms with ample space to store things. 

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