Fix Me II

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Fix Me (Part II)


My pulse thudded in my ears, my whole body tingling with anticipation as Lisa slowly moved onto the bed. Her dark, piercing eyes never left mine as her powerful hands slid over my thighs and pushed my legs wide apart for her.

I whispered , looking down and blushing at the sight of my bare, pink pussy. What she'd just done - it was more intimate than anything I'd ever experienced, even with longer relationships. I'd never trusted someone anywhere close to how I'd just trusted her, and the rush and the thrill of it all still roared through my body, making me pant in anticipation of more.

I could feel the air tease across my bare lips, and I knew she could see how damn wet I was as her eyes slowly dragged down over my body. I felt sexy in a way I'd never felt before - nervous, for sure, but also just so ready for this.

...So ready for her.

"Fuck, Roseanne," she groaned, her hands moving to her belt and unclipping it as she knelt between my legs. "I could look at this gorgeous little pussy of yours all fucking day."

Her hands slid her dress pants down over her hips, leaving her boxers as if just to tease me - especially when my eyes went wide at the enormous bulge tenting the front of them.

"Do you take your pants off for all your patients?"

I said it grinning, sarcastically, or at least, I tried to - a sort of nervous way for me to cut the tension. But Lisa just grinned back, her eyes piercing into mine as she slid up my body. I whimpered, feeling her torso slide over mine, and when that thick bulge pressed between my legs, I moaned quietly.

"No, Rosie," she growled. "I don't. I also don't give them baths, or kiss them. I don't lose sleep because I can't get them out of my head, and I don't crave them with every single cell in my body."

I swallowed, panting as she leaned down, her lips brushing mine.

"Because I don't fall for any other of my patients the way I fell completely for you the second I saw you."

I moaned, and when she kissed me, the whole world melted around me.

"You were mine the moment I laid eyes on you, Roseanne," she growled softly, making my heart skip as my hands slid up over her muscled back. "And now, I'm going to show you how mine you are."

She kissed me again - slowly and deeply, letting me feel it in my freaking toes before she moved down. Her lips teased over my jawline, and my neck, and my collarbone, making me gasp and whimper. She moved lower, her mouth trailing across the tops of my breasts and her lips fastening around a nipple. Her tongue swirled across the aching, hard bud, making me moan louder as I arched my back towards her.

Lisa's hands slid down my sides as she kissed her way across my tummy, grabbing my hips and pinning me to the big soft bed as she teased my navel with her tongue. She moved lower still - my breath catching over and over again and my pulse racing as she slowly moved between my legs. Her hands slid to my thighs, pushing them wide apart as her breath teased over my bare, shaved lips.

"Lie back, Rosie," she purred softly, looking up into my eyes. "Lie back and let me make you come. Let me make this sweet little candy pussy come all over my tongue, and then..."

Her gaze turned even fiercer as she leaned down.

"And then you'll be mine."

Her tongue dragged over my bare, soft, slippery lips, and my whole fucking world melted. I cried out, arching my back as Lisa's wet tongue slid between my lips. She pushed it deep, sliding her wicked tongue in and out of me and making me see stars. I twisted the sheets beneath me in my fists, panting and moaning as Lisa slowly fucked me with her tongue.

Poetic LettersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora