Forever Valentine

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Forever Valentine

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Forever Valentine


"Do you think this is enough?"

"I think you made more than enough cookies for the whole town," my dad laughs, placing the last basket of cookies I made into the back of my car. "There a reason you made so many?" He shuts the car door and leans up against the side of it. Everyone knows when I get upset I bake. "I know you're not nervous about your new job."

"I'm not, I'm excited. I love Montrose."

This town is the only home I remember. In fact, my first memory that I can recall is the night my dad found my mom and me. We likely would have become frozen popsicles if he hadn't spotted us on the side of the road. Technically Tiffany is my sister but she was always more of a mother to me. But she and Nick made it official when they adopted me, and Montrose has been our home ever since.

After Mom and Dad had three boys that I utterly adore, our family has been my world. Sticking close to home has been my plan and that's what I'm doing now. I'm not sure if my past plays a part in that since I had shitty birth parents. Thankfully I don't remember them.

With the exception of the two months I spent in the city getting trained as a dispatch and 911 operator, I've spent my whole life in Montrose. Even when I was in the city I still came home every week but now that it's over I'm home permanently. I've started the next chapter of my life and my new job isn't going to be the only adventure I'm embarking on. I have other plans and no one is going to stand in the way of them.

"Then what's with all the cookies?" Dad taps the top of my car to get my attention.

"I didn't see you complaining about how many I made when you were eating them last night."

"I had four," He says, and I lift a brow. We both know he's full of it. "Okay, eight." he admits sheepishly, making me smile.

"I should get going," I tell him so he can't keep trying to get more information out of me. He pulls me in for a hug, telling me this conversation isn't over but he's letting me pretend it is.

The last thing I want to talk to my dad about is Lisa. She's the girl who has owned my heart since she let me destroy her with snowballs as a little girl and never threw one back. When we were kids she shared all her toys with me. Then when we got older I tried to share my first kiss with her. It's too bad that it went terribly wrong because it's been horrible ever since.

Now I'm starting to wonder if maybe she was right about turning me down. Since I tried to kiss her, things have been awkward and it's not as though I can avoid Lisa. She's my adopted father's nephew and our family is always together. Even though we grew up in the same family, I never thought of her that way. Since I can remember I always had a giant crush on Lisa. I might also love her. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I'm head over heels in love with her, but it's never going to happen.

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