02: ripped souls

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chapter two: ripped souls

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chapter two: ripped souls

tw: blood, child trafficking, mentions of weapons, and killing/death.

"How dark do you think this is going to get?" Tony whispers to Penelope, noticing the blonde technical analyst's hand jittering on her lap.

He could already sense the sweat that was forming on her palms, a clear sign of her anxiousness as Elle's life continued to flash before their eyes. While Tony does not enjoy physical contact with anyone that is not his beloved, he could sense this physical touch from the blonde technical analyst was comforting for her.

It reminded him of a special spider boy he recently found out about.

A sense of peace was found in Elle as she observed Penelope and Tony's interaction with each other. It was nice seeing someone from her far past care about her safety of what has already happened. She could not tell if her other profiler family were worried, and it is because she lacks her profile skills, or they do not care.

She hoped that they did care, even just a little.

"Pretty dark, which scares me," Penelope mumbles, letting go of Tony's hands and rubbing the palms of her hands against the soft fabric of her skirt. "I am sorry for grabbing you. I get scared easily."

Tony whispers. "I do too, kid. Don't worry."

Bruce turns his head towards Elle, a hesitant and frightened look on his face under his crooked glasses. "Are there any trigger warnings that we should know about?"

"Literally every horrible thing your big brain can come up with," Elle grits her teeth, her fingernails gripping the cheap material of her seat.


The scene opens up with long lines of islands appearing on the screen, deep blue and teal waters surrounding the large but—what seems like—extremely skinny islands. The sounds of the plane can be heard as a runway could be seen on the screen.

The first thing Carmen noticed through the exhaustion she was feeling from the lack of sleep she endured was the different planes and cars that were on the ground next to the runway. It did not look like the type of runways she saw in the movies and the documentaries she would watch with her friends in the neighborhood she used to live in. She almost felt like a child with how fascinating everything looked to her when it probably just looked normal to any adult.

It did not occur to the young Carmen that she was in Cuba, where her biological parents were born and raised. Maybe it is for the better that she did not know this information about her biological parents. She has grown to resent the people who created her.

The scene jumps to Alexei running towards Russian guards with a wounded Melina in his arms while his three daughters trailed behind with saddened looks on their faces. Even Carmen had a worried look on her face, thoughts running through her mind at the possibility of Melina dying. As much as she hated the was in, she would not know what to do if she lost Melina.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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