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All of them were sitting in the basement, Yoongi's eyes still red and puffy from crying too much. The tension in the room was so thick you could've cut it with a knife.

"So what are we going to do?'' Jimin asked, unable to take the silence any longer.
"Find them and kill them all, slowly." Jungkook replied, his fingers twirling the gun around.
"We need to find Hobi first, make sure he is okay." Yoongi interjected.
All of them looked up at the mention of the name.
"Seriously Yoongi hyung?'' Jungkook said, voice full of disbelief.
Yoongi looked at him, like asking him to go on.
"You're still talking about saving him even after all he has done. After everything he put you through. His name was the first on my hit list and you're talking about saving HIM." Jungkook was standing up now, his face showing every bit of the anger the others felt.

Yoongi looked at Jin, he knew the oldest loved Hoseok just as much as he did and he would atleast try to find him no matter how angry he might be, and he was right. Jin looked deep in thought.

"Jin hyung?'' Yoongi said, urging Jin to say something.
"I think we need answeres." was all he said but it was enough assuration for Yoongi that he wasn't making a wrong decision.
"Answers, we have all the answers we need. He betrayed us and left like a coward...."
Yoongi slammed his hand on the table, "Don't talk about him like that" he hissed, voice threatingly calm.
To say Jungkook was shocked was an understatement, he stood rooted to his spot, eyes open wide and mouth slightly open. He stared at Yoongi for some time then huffed and sat down again, crossing his hands on his chest.
Yoongi's eyes softened as well.
"I love him." he whispereded softly.
"Even after everything?'' Taehyung asked, disbelife clear in his voice.
"Jin hyung I think....."
But Yoongi cut Namjoon off,
"Tell me one thing Namjoon-ah, if it was Jin who instead of Hobi....."
"YOONGI HYUNG" Namjoon warned.
Yoongi refused to acknowledge the slight threat in Namjoon's voice and turned towards Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah if it was Tae or Jimin would you still say the same thing, would you still refuse to find them. Or would you want answers?''
Jungkook stared right in Yoongi's eyes, both of them sttubornly refusing to look away. At last Jungkook sighed and tore his gaze away from Yoongi and slumped back in his seat.

"The truth is you will want answers, and you will do everything you can to find them, because you love them. I love Hobi too, more than anything. He is the only person I have fallen in love with and I'll do anything I can to see him once again."
5 pairs of eyes bored into Yoongi, searching for God knows what.

"Yoongi hyung I know you love him, we all know that. But the key question is does he love you back? Don't get me wrong but he did admit of being a spy who was sent to kill you. I'm just worried about you." Taehyung verballised the question that was running through everyone's mind.
Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but Jimin beat him to it.
"He did. I have seen the way Hobi hyung looked at Yoongi hyung, the way he smiled when he talked about Yoongi hyung, his eyes seemed to light up whenever Yoongi hyung walked in the room."
Yoongi smiled faintly remembering Hoseok's smile, a smile that always made him feel warm and safe, like home.
"Yes he might be a spy, he might have lied but I know for sure that he loved Yoongi hyung so much. You can't fake being in love."
Yoongi looked at Jimin, thankful for the kind words, Jimin just nodded softly.

"But with that being said we do need to be careful beacuse he was afterall a spy." said Jimin and looked at Yoongi whose eyes suggested that he didn't like the fact.
"No offence hyung."
"No but Jimin is right, we need to be careful. Syeongul is not an idiot I'm pretty sure he already knows that Hobi has told you the truth, he will try to do something." Jin said.
Everyone nodded, no one wanted to make the mistake of underestimating their enemy.
"So what is the plan?'' Namjoon asked to no one in particular.
"Aren't you the one always making plans?'' Jungkook joked.

Until The End  《Sope》Where stories live. Discover now